Friday, 19 October 2018

Dear Parents/Carers,

Children Walking to and from School Safely

All children in the infants MUST be collected by an adult known to the school.
If your child is in the Juniors please inform the school office if they are allowed walk to or from school alone.

It is recommended by the government for the safeguarding of children that they do not walk home alone from school until they are 10 years old.

Following this guidance the school strongly recommends only children in Year 5 & 6 walk to or from school alone. Younger children are at risk even if they are walking short distances alone.

A list will be given to school staff indicating if your child can walk alone, should you decide to change these arrangements it is your responsibility to inform the school office.

Lost property 

There is a lot of lost property in school. Please come and take a look on Friday morning if your child has lost anything during this term.


Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Year 2 98%
  • Year 6 98%

Big Breakfast Week

There is a Big Breakfast Week running from 12th to 16th November.  Fareshare are organising this event and during the week the school will get a visit from a local celebrity chef to make smoothies with the children. Josh Eggleton, local Bristol Chef, will be visiting on Wednesday 14th November to make smoothies with the children.

Pupil Places Available

The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Year 5 and 6. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.
Year 6 - Application for Secondary School

The Year 6 children must apply for their choices of secondary school places by 31st October 2018.
Applications should be made on-line:-

If you do not have access to a computer at home, please contact the school office who will be happy to help you with your application.t.

Head teacher awards

Head teacher awards for Mondays celebration assembly are:- Jenson and David (R), Zac and Grace (Y1), Anta and Zac (Y2), Alexander and Emily Z (Y3), Anastasia and Marta (Y4), Dimitrios (Y5) and Lily, Coling, Kuzi and Ava-Raie (Y6).

Key dates

Wednesday 24th October - Reception and Year 1 to Puxton Park
29th October - 2nd November - School holiday
Friday 9th November - School Photographer
Friday 16th November - Children In Need - Details to follow
24th December - 4th January - School holiday
30th January - 1st February - Year 5 Dean Field Studies Centre 
18th February - 22nd February - School holiday
 8th April - 22nd April - School holiday
27th May - 31st May - School holiday
22nd & 23rd July - Inset Days
24th July 2019 - 30th August - School Holiday

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...