Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Dear Parents/Carers,

Mrs Triggs

As you may know, Mrs Triggs has been in school for the last 3 ½  weeks teaching with Miss Letherby in Year 2 and supporting myself in the leadership of the school. She has had a wonderful time this term working with staff, parents, and of course the children.

However, due to an illness, she will now be absent from work whilst she receives treatment. We expect to see Mrs Triggs later in the school year and we will all miss her calm, wise and caring manner whilst she is away. We will keep in touch with Mrs Triggs and pass on all your best wishes and prayers.

Census Day - Thursday 6th October

On Thursday 6th October the Government will be running a Census day where we have to report on the number of children within the school.  As part of this Census the government like to know the number of children who ate a hot school meal as it contributes towards our funding budget.

We have therefore changed the hot menu choice for that day to the following, with the hope that you child will consume a hot lunch:-

Sausages, fish fingers, baked beans and chips with jelly and ice cream for desert.  We will also be holding a lucky plate competition where your child might win a prize.
Year 2 Curriculum - Studying a Non-European Country

Year 2 this year are studying life in a non-European country. If you have a child in Year 2, and have family links with a non-European country, please see Miss Letherby or speak to Miss Roberts in the school office. Miss Letherby would like to plan learning around the culture and experiences of children in her class.

Governing Body Vacancy
As I am sure you are aware, all schools have a Governing Body who support the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their endeavours to make this school an outstanding establishment where all children thrive.
We now have a vacancy on our Governing Body for a Parent Governor.  All parents are eligible to apply for this voluntary role and we would ask you to contact the school office if you would like your name to be put forward.
Currently, the vacancy will be to support the work of the Staffing and Resources sub committee which will meet termly in addition to the Full Governing Body meetings which are also termly.  Meetings will run from 3:30 to 5:30.   An interest in the school and finding out more about the way that the school is managed is the first consideration and if you have any specific skills with budgets or experience with staffing issues you would be particularly welcome.
If you would like further information please speak to Miss Roberts in the office who will either be able to help you or will put you in touch with the Clerk to the Governors to answer any specific questions.
We look forward to hearing from you.
St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School Open Days
Thursday 6th October 9.15am - 10.45am
Wednesday 12th October 9.15am - 10.45am
Parents’ Group
While Christ the King currently has no PTFA, a number of parents have spoken to me who are interested in arranging social events and fundraising for the school.  If you are interested in being involved, please let the school office know and we can then organise a meeting of parents over tea and coffee.
School Pond - Help Needed
Mrs. Gray has been working over the last couple of years to develop and improve the use of our school pond. Recently however, the pond has become overgrown and she would very much appreciate if any parents would be able to help. Please let the school office know if you are able to help.
Headteacher Award - Reflective Learning

Each week we will be having a special focus for our Headteacher Awards. This week, our focus is Reflective Learning.

Headteacher Awards for Monday’s Assembly are:- Archie FH (Y1), Gabriel (Y2), Harley T (Y3), Neyo (Y4), Darrius (Y5) and Bethany S (Y6).


Well done to the following class who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Year 2 - 99%
  • Year 6 - 97%

This means Year 2 will have another special non-uniform day on Friday 7th October.

Primary School Admissions

Reception admissions for September 2017 are now open on www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions.  Children born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 must apply for a school by midnight on 15th January 2017

Year 6 to apply for a Secondary school place

Parents/carers need to apply for a secondary school place for their child in Year 6.  The website is now open on www.bristol.gov.uk/schooladmissions.  Secondary school choices need to made by midnight on 31st October 2016.

Key dates for Diaries
  • 6th October - Year 1 visiting Puxton Park
  • 21st October - End of Term 1
  • 31st October - Start of Term 2            
  • 18th November - Feast of Christ the King Mass
  • 7th December - Year 1 and Year 2 trip to Colston Hall to see Little Tim and the Brave Sea  Captain
  • 16th December - End of Term 2
  • Term 3                         - 3/1/17 - 10/2/17
  • w/c 8th May 2017 -   Y6 SATs week
  • 6th January 2017 - Y6 to visit Create Centre
  • 9th - 12th June - Year 6 camp to Manor Adventure
  • Term 4                        - 20/2/17 – 7/4/17
  • Term 5                         - 24/4/17 – 26/5/17
  • Term 6                         - 5/6/17 – 21/7/17

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...