Thursday, 13 May 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Firstly, a reminder that school is closed tomorrow for an INSET day.

Any Problems?

If you have a problem or concern, please tell a member of staff.  For an adult to talk to another parent or somebody else’s child about a concern they have, can often make matters worse.

Antisocial Adult Behaviour Around Children

The ethos of School of Christ the King encourages positive relationships amongst everybody. Occasionally adults can behave in a way which is upsetting to other adults and especially children.

The school policy states that the types of behaviour that are considered serious and unacceptable and will not be tolerated: 

  • shouting at members of the school staff, parents or children either in person or over the telephone; 
  • physically intimidating a member of staff, parent or child eg standing very close to her/him; 
  • the use of aggressive hand gestures; 
  • threatening behaviour; 
  • shaking or holding a fist towards another person; 
  • swearing; 
  • using abusive/ offensive language 
  • pushing; 

It also states what action the school can take if the problem persists:

Where all procedures have been exhausted, and aggression or intimidation continue, a parent or carer may be banned by the Head/Chair of Governors from the school premises for a period of time, subject to review as defined in section 547 of the Education Act (1996). 

Can all adults please behave in a respectful way towards others, to avoid such action being taken.

Safety at the End of the Day

We have had a number of issues with  children playing unsupervised at pick-up time. This has caused a number of issues and obviously makes us less COVID safe. Can I ask all parents and carers to closely supervise their children at this time.

Also as the children leave at the end of the day, it has been noticed that many parents are gathering and obstructing the pavement crossing. Many children are walking on the road side of the railings, in order to socially distance. As the children leave school, please allow for enough distance between yourselves and the children. Many thanks.

Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception - 

  • Leo for showing enthusiasm in numeracy and trying really hard to add two numbers together using the numicon. 
  • Gloria for engaging in her learning especially in PE whilst practicing balancing! 

Year 1 -  

  • Manna - For listening to and acting on feedback from her teachers to improve her work! Well done Manna.
  • Harper L - For always being kind, polite and helpful to everyone!

Year 2 -  

  • Roxy, Filip, Abby, Liliana and Angelica - For creating their own newspaper headline linked to our literacy animation lesson about an   inventor who shows resilience when inventing his own flying machine.   

Year 3 - 

  • Tallulah- For writing an imaginative recount about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 
  • Joey- For being a fractions expert and achieving a score of 17/17 on our maths assessment- what a star! 

Year 4 -

  • Angelos- For scoring 25 out of 26 on his maths assessment. Angelos also had a fantastic swimming lesson and showed a super attitude and enthusiasm towards moving through the water. 

Year 5 -  

  • Gabriel - for his outstanding score in the TT Rockstars Battle!  (1230! How awesome!)
  • Emily Z - for always being organised and ready to learn.

Year 6

  • Jenson and Olly - for their outstanding tennis partnership. You encouraged each other and were gracious in victory and defeat - well done! 

Dates for Diaries

INSET - Friday 14th May.

INSET - Monday 14th June.

Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.

Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

Start of 2021-22 school year - Monday 6th September

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...