Dear Parents and Carers,
Feedback from Parents
Some of you may have seen this lovely review from a parent on our Facebook page:
‘Absolutely fantastic school! My children have only moved here a week ago and are already much happier and more confident with the support and encouragement of their teachers. All the staff are super friendly and all the children are always smiling at the end of the day. This school has a fantastic approach to a happier learning schedule for the children. Can not recommend enough!’
Its always lovely to have positive feedback!
Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:
- Nursery with 99% attendance
- Year 6 with 98% attendance
Places Available
The school is almost full but we do have some space available in a number of year groups. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.
Filwood Library is now open!
Our local library is now open for call and collect, as well as for reserving books via the Librarieswest app.
Opening hours are Mon, Wed and Fri 11am-3pm
Speech and Language drop in session in school 26th May
Abi Bamber, our NHS Speech and Language Therapist will be in school to liaise with parents for the morning from 9am on Wednesday 26th May. If you would like to discuss any concerns around your child’s speech and / or language development please contact the school office for a consent form and to book a time for next Wednesday.
Headteacher’s Awards
The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page.
Reception -
- Leo for showing enthusiasm in numeracy and trying really hard to add two numbers together using the numicon.
- Gloria for engaging in her learning especially in PE whilst practicing balancing!
Year 1 -
- Zuzanna - For her fantastic innovation based on the story of Jaspers Beanstalk which she wrote independently.
- Megan - for her great sunflower drawing she did in our art lesson. She followed the instructions very carefully.
Year 2 -
- Ollie, David, Alfie, Cody, Kevin, Ralf and Shayne - For creating their own comic which retells the animation of Sherman and his dream to invent a flying machine.
Year 3 -
- Josiah- For his fantastic non-chronological report about earthquakes. Josiah has worked hard to respond to feedback and focus on his targets. The improvement in his writing has been wonderful!
- Wilfred- For reading regularly at home and showing great determination to develop his reading skills in class. Wilfred has been a star this week and has blown us away with his incredible reading. Well done, Wilfred!
Year 4 -
- Benji H-H- Benji has had a fantastic week in school of learning. From an exciting science experiment on the digestive system, to reflective RE writing, Benji enjoyed a super swimming lesson and has not stopped smiling! Well done Benji!
Year 5 -
- Archie - for good use of emotional detail in his fact-filled newspaper report.
- Lexi - for her use of emotional speech in her newspaper report.
Year 6
- Kristen - for a very accomplished piece of writing. For showing a soldier's emotions, as they are about to land on the beaches of Normandy.
Dates for Diaries
INSET - Monday 14th June.
Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021.
Start of 2021-22 school year - Monday 6th September
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon