Thursday, 1 April 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Firstly, a reminder that due to an INSET Term 5 starts on Tuesday 20th April.

Easter Holiday Track and Trace

I would like to thank you for your continued support, through these unprecedented times. 

Schools are yet again on call to support Track and Trace during the Easter holidays until Monday 5th April 2021. As a  reminder, I have included the expectations to assist in the Track and Trace of confirmed positive cases. This relates to staff  and pupils who have been attending school. 

Please follow the guidance below: 

If a pupil or staff member develops symptoms of Covid-19 before 4pm on Sunday 4th April 2021 and then has a positive  test result the school must be contacted as the person may have been infectious while in school. Please text the school on the dedicated telephone number of 07596 820850. This phone will be monitored between 8:30 – 10:30am from Friday 2nd April to Monday 5th April 2021 to support the Track and Trace with Public Health England. 

If a pupil or staff member develops symptoms of Covid-19 after 4pm on Sunday 4th April 2021 then they should follow  the contact tracing instructions provided by the NHS Track and Trace. School does not need to be contacted.

Doodle Online Learning

To support your children in learning independently, in and out of school, we have purchased the award-winning, maths and English, Doodle programme.

It has been trialled by Years 1,3,5 and 6, who will now be able to access this at home from today - a separate newsletter will include login details.

Your child has already started the programme at school and should be able to log on and work independently. 

The programme is designed to assess your child's level and adjust questions accordingly. Please support your child by encouraging them to learn through the programme. However, please don't be tempted to help them with the answers as this will cause the questions to be incorrectly adjusted. 

The children have been excited by the programme and should be very keen to show you how good they are at using it. 

Mrs Buckland (Maths Lead) would love your feedback about it's home use.

Faith Newsletters

From now on, we will be sharing a monthly faith newsletter that celebrates the Catholic ethos of the school. As we move through Lent towards the end of a very challenging but incredibly successful term, our eyes are fixed on the message of hope that Easter brings. Click on the link below.

Faith Newsletter

INSET Days - a reminder

As well as the previously announced INSET date of Monday 19th April. The school will also be closed for staff training on Friday 14th May and Monday 14th June.

PE kits - a reminder

Can children come into school in their PE kit on the day they have PE. At the moment we do not have space to store PE kit in a COVID safe way and therefore this is the safest way for our children to be appropriately dressed for their PE lessons and remain safe. PE kit is a plain and non-branded white t-shirt, non-branded black/navy shorts and black daps or black trainers. If the weather is cold, children can wear navy/black tracksuit bottoms over their shorts to keep them warm. Please see class PE days below.

  • Monday- Reception and Year 6
  • Tuesday- Year 1 and Year 5
  • Wednesday- Year 4
  • Thursday- Hub, Year 2 and Year 3 

Dates for Diaries

  • INSET (school closed) - Monday 19th April
  • Start of Term 5 - Tuesday 20th April
  • INSET (school closed) - Friday 14th May
  • End of Term 5 - Friday 28 May 2021
  • INSET (school closed) - Monday 14th June
  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...