Dear Parents and Carers,
Bank Holiday
A reminder that Monday 3rd May is a bank holiday.
Can we confirm that the first two days of the new academic year will be INSET days (Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd September). This means that the school will open for children on Monday 6th September.
A reminder that the school will also be closed for staff training on Friday 14th May and Monday 14th June.
School Uniform
Please ensure all children are in sensible school uniform - not too small, tight or short. We do understand that many children will have grown over lockdown and the Easter holidays and that there are not always the right sizes available to buy but please keep trying.
Here is a reminder of our school uniform:
- PLAIN BLACK shoes or trainers
- grey / black trousers or skirts – no tracksuit bottoms, or leggings
- red sweatshirt or cardigan or fleece
- white / red polo shirts
- PE Kit (which is plain white t-shirt / plain black shorts and PE daps or trainers)
Many thanks
PE kits
From Monday 22nd March please can children come into school in their PE kit on the day they have PE. At the moment we do not have space to store PE kit in a COVID safe way and therefore this is the safest way for our children to be appropriately dressed for their PE lessons and remain safe. PE kit is a plain and non-branded white t-shirt, non-branded black/navy shorts and black daps or black trainers. If the weather is cold, children can wear navy/black tracksuit bottoms over their shorts to keep them warm. Please see class PE days below.
- Monday- Reception and Year 6
- Tuesday- Year 1 and Year 5
- Wednesday- Year 4
- Thursday- Hub, Year 2 and Year 3
Faith Newsletters
Click on the link below.
Headteacher’s Awards
The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page.
Reception -
- Kiki - for doing some fantastic independent writing about our current book ‘Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs’. Kiki imagined that the dinosaurs had gone to the fun fair and wrote this on a white board. Well done Kiki!
- Lilanna for showing us her fantastic knowledge of 2D shapes and naming octagon and pentagons and telling us how many sides the shapes have.
Year 1 -
- Olivia - For concentrating hard during her reading session and not allowing herself to become distracted. Olivia is trying so hard to use her sounds to decode text.
- Lyla - for producing a lovely piece of art work linked to RE, which illustrates some symbols of new life.
Year 2 -
- Rory - For making a good start to our class and already enjoying being a part of our team.
Year 3 -
- Lexi- For using interesting similes in her writing.
- Freddie- For showing fantastic enthusiasm in maths.
Year 4 -
- Mason- for having a brilliant week of good behaviour, engagement in lessons and all round happiness during our first week back. We feel very proud of Mason!
Year 5 -
- Gabriel - for consistently achieving 'valuable player' in our times table rock star battles! We think you rock!
- Ian - for his clear (and thoughtful) instructions detailing how to tell the truth.
- Chloe - for her super-detailed yet easy-to-follow instructions for telling the truth.
Year 6
- Ruby- For a fantastic week in Year 6. You have contributed and engaged with your new classmates.
- Ellis- for persevering with his understanding of decimals this week.
Dates for Diaries
Bank Holiday - Monday 3rd May
INSET - Friday 14th May.
INSET - Monday 14th June.
Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021.
Start of 2021-22 school year - Monday 6th September
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon