Dear Parents/Carers,
Staffing Update
I am very pleased to announce that Mrs Jordan has been appointed as Assistant Headteacher. Mrs Jordan will be working closely with Mr Purser (Deputy Headteacher) and myself as part of our Senior Leadership Team. Her key responsibilities are leading inclusion across the school (including supporting children with special needs) as well as leading the Early Years and Foundation Stage (including the new nursery) as well as Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2).
Update on Children Returning
We will be opening in the last week of term to children in Years 2, 3 4 and 5:
- Years 4 and 5 will start on Monday 13th July and finish on Friday 17th July (exact times to be confirmed)
- Year 2 and 3 will start on Tuesday 14th July and finish on Friday 17th July (exact times to be confirmed)
Children will be taught in smaller ‘bubbles’ like children in school presently. This means that classes will be split into smaller groups and they may not be taught by their class teacher. There will be no Breakfast Club or Chill Time Klub during this week. We will be sharing groups and start/finish times early next week.
This means that Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will finish their term on Friday 10th July. This means that next week is Year 6’s last week in school.
COVID Risk Assessment Check
On Wednesday morning we were joined by a member of Bristol City Council's Health and Safety Team as well as a Trade Union Roving Health and Safety Representative.
The meeting was overwhelmingly positive and the team were very impressed with the school and how we are all managing this challenging situation. In particular they were very impressed with how the children behaved very safely around the school.
We are now officially “Covid Secure!”
Planning for a September Return to School
The Government have now published advice on how they expect all children to return to school in September.
We will now consider any government advice carefully, complete a risk assessment and plan for the return of all children in September.
As you know already, a full return of all children on Wednesday 2nd September is very unlikely, as we need to plan carefully to ensure children return safely, as soon as possible
Summer Reading Challenge
This year’s Summer Reading Challenge is now open. Children can enjoy reading over the summer and win rewards at the same time! This year, the Summer Reading Challenge’s Silly Squad will celebrate funny books, happiness and laughter. Children can create an avatar and select different genres of books they enjoy reading. They will then set themselves a target of how many books they will read between now and September. The challenge features games, quizzes and downloadable activities that encourage children to take part in reading. The more you read, the more badges you receive.
You can complete the challenge by downloading ebooks, audio books and online reading resources from your local library. All the information and how to sign up can be found on the website below.
Headteacher’s Awards
Reception -
- Kamil - for continuing to have a great attitude towards his home learning tasks.
- Frankie - for concentrating and producing a great food diary linked to the story of Oliver’s Vegetables.
Year 1 -
- Hadi - For completing her number bonds to 10 independently.
- Abby - For always a super effort and positive attitude towards home learning.
- Ollie - For creating a fantastic description of a setting from our story with Mr Prichard
Year 2 -
- Lexi - for writing a story about a magical cupcake and confidently reading her story to the class on Zoom.
- Grace - for following her interests whilst completing home learning tasks.
- Ella - for continuing to complete all of the home learning tasks every day.
Year 3 -
- Merit- For writing a brilliant character description.
- Calvin- For a great start back in school and for being keen to share his work.
- Year 4 -
- Miley - For showing resilience in school to complete her maths work which included drawing a graph
- Missey - For being positive and completing her home learning despite feeling poorly
Year 5 -
- Olly, Finley, Gabriel and Emmanuel - for clearly showing their thought processes in their workings when solving maths problems
- Imogen, Jazleen, Nicola and Anastasia - for their attention to detail in their writing this week and for stepping up and accepting the sentence challenge
- Moshii - for her resilience in her home learning - in particular her maths where she has been regularly taking up the challenge
Year 6 -
- Oscar - Contributing excellent quiz questions for the Year 6 Zoom quiz.
- Mikolaj - Being a brilliant Zoom quiz host!
Dates for Diaries
Friday 10th July - End of term for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6
Friday 17th July - End of term for Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Key Worker Groups.
Tuesday 1st September - Staff training day (SCHOOL CLOSED)
Wednesday 2nd September - Official start of School Year (not all children are expected to return on this day)
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon