Dear Parents/Carers,
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Planning for a September Return to School
As you now know, Bristol Local Authority have now helpfully shared their own guidance on how they are supporting all schools to return safely in September. Part of this citywide approach is allocating two additional INSET days to help schools prepare. They are also supporting schools who are planning a short phased return for groups of children.
So far we can confirm that this means:
- That now Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd September will now be INSET days - so the school will be closed to all children on these days.
- We are planning a phased return so that all remaining classes return by Monday 7th September.
- On Thursday 3rd September Years 5 and 6 will return (including Learning Hub 2).
- On Friday 4th September Years 2 and 3 will return.
- On Monday 7th September Years 1 and 4 will return.
Some additional information:
- If you feel that your child will need extra support transitioning back and starting in their new year group, please get in touch. Mrs Jordan is available to talk this through with you, so that we can find the best way to meet the needs of your child.
- Although all children will be back in school, in classes of up to 30, these classes will continue to operate as ‘bubbles’ with children not physically mixing with those in other groups.
- Children should wear school uniforms when they return.
- To ensure parents do not gather outside the school building and can follow social distancing guidelines, each group will have a different start and finish time.
- Current lunchtime arrangements will remain in September - with children bringing in packed lunches or having packed lunches provided by the school kitchen.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
Dates for Diaries
Friday 17th July - End of term for Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Key Worker Groups.
Tuesday 1st September - Staff training day (SCHOOL CLOSED)
Wednesday 2nd September - Staff training day (SCHOOL CLOSED)
Thursday 3rd September - Start of year for Years 5 and 6 (including Learning Hub 2).
Friday 4th September - Start of year for Years 2 and 3.
Monday 7th September - Start of year for Years 1 and 4.
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon