Friday, 23 September 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Sports Day

A big thank you to everyone who came to support the children for Sports Day last week. A great morning was had all round and it was wonderful to see so many parents getting involved and brilliantly supporting the children! 

The winners for:

  • Y1, Y2 and Y3 are the GREEN team
  • Y4, Y5 and Y6 are the YELLOW team (with a very close second place of RED team)

Special thanks to Miss Owers for organising such a successful event.

Free School Meals 

As your child enters a new year group, please be aware that there may be some changes surrounding their Free School Meal entitlement. 

Children from Reception - Year 2 are automatically entitled to Universal Free School Meals

If your child is moving from Year 2 -to Year 3, please be aware that they are no longer entitled to Universal Free School Meals and you may need to start paying for school meals. If you are unsure if your child is entitled to Free School Meals, please speak with Miss Morse in the school office who will be able to confirm this for you. 

If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, please click here

Headteacher’s Awards

Year 1 - 

  • Luke C and Daniella for making a fantastic start to Year 1.  Always very well-behaved and always trying so hard to work independently especially within our phonics lesson.

Year 2 - 

  • Jamaica for trying your absolute best this week. You have contributed to lessons, set a great example and have listened to feedback. Keep it up!
  • Zach - for joining in with school mass. You responded to prayers really well - great job!

Year 3 -

  • Olivia for her enthusiasm and excellent participation in class this week. Well done on your fantastic start in Year 3, Olivia!
  • Lily-Rose - for her thoughtful and beautifully decorated prayer for Queen Elizabeth II. 

Year 4 - 

  • David For being absorbed in his maths lessons and making great progress. He always listens carefully and shows initiative when completing independent  work.

Year 5 - 

  • Tracy for her independent use of part whole models to partition 2 digit numbers.
  • Oscar for his superb effort in the sack race for his team!

Year 6 - 

  • Cheyenne for his very impressive score in his first Y6 practice maths test. Well done and keep it up!

  • Angelina for her deep thinking when making links between Moses' life and events in our present day.

Secondary School Admissions - September 2023 

If you have a child in Year 6, you will be able to apply for their Secondary School place from Monday 12th September. You can do this by visiting

The deadline for applications is 31st October - If you do not apply by this time, your child may not be accepted at their first choice school. 

If you need support with completing an application, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Dates for Diaries

  • Wednesday 28th September - Year 5 Class Mass 
  • Wednesday 5th October - Year 4 Class Mass 
  • Wednesday 5th October - Reception Class Open Afternoon 3.30-4.30pm 
  • Monday 10th October - Reception Class Open Morning 9.30-10.30am 
  • Wednesday 12th October - Year 3 Class Mass 
  • Monday 17th October - INSET Day (school closed)
  • Wednesday 19th October - Year 2 Class Mass 
  • Friday 21st October - Reception Class Open Afternoon 3.30-4.30pm 
  • Friday 21st October - End of Term 1
  • Monday 31st October - Start of Term 2
  • Wednesday 2nd November - Reception Class Open Morning 9.30-10.30am 
  • Wednesday 9th November - Reception Class Open Afternoon 3.30-4.30pm 
  • Monday 14th November - Reception Class Open Morning 9.30-10.30am 
  • Wednesday 23rd November - Reception Class Open Afternoon 3.30-4.30pm 
  • Friday 2nd December - Reception Class Open Morning 9.30-10.30am
  • Friday 16th December - End of Term 2
  • Tuesday 3rd January - Start of Term 3
  • Friday 10th February - End of Term 3
  • Monday 20th February  - Start of Term 4
  • Friday 31st March - End of Term 4
  • Monday 17th April - Start of Term 5
  • Friday 26th May - End of Term 5
  • Monday 5th June - Start of Term 6
  • Friday 21st July - End of School Year

Have a relaxing weekend.

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...