Thursday, 30 June 2022

Staffing news and class organisation 2021-22

As we prepare for the summer holiday, here is the class teacher structure from September:

  • Nursery - Miss Griffiths
  • Reception - Miss Letherby
  • Year 1 - Mrs Rowland
  • Year 2 - Mr Purser (Deputy Headteacher)
  • Year 3 - Miss Garrett 
  • Year 4 - Mr Prichard
  • Year 5 - Mrs Rotheram
  • Year 6 - Miss Owers
  • Teachers in various classes - Mrs Peppin and Mrs Buckland
  • Academic Mentor - Mrs Fannin
  • Reading Teacher - Miss Wakeford
  • Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Lead - Mrs Jordan 

This does mean that we will be sadly be saying goodbye to Mrs Wareham and Mrs Meacham, who are both going on to new teaching roles. 

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...