Staffing news and class organisation 2021-22
As we prepare for the summer holiday, here is the class teacher structure from September:
- Nursery - Miss Griffiths
- Reception - Miss Letherby
- Year 1 - Mrs Rowland
- Year 2 - Mr Purser (Deputy Headteacher)
- Year 3 - Miss Garrett
- Year 4 - Mr Prichard
- Year 5 - Mrs Rotheram
- Year 6 - Miss Owers
- Teachers in various classes - Mrs Peppin and Mrs Buckland
- Academic Mentor - Mrs Fannin
- Reading Teacher - Miss Wakeford
- Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Lead - Mrs Jordan
This does mean that we will be sadly be saying goodbye to Mrs Wareham and Mrs Meacham, who are both going on to new teaching roles.