Friday, 11 February 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


Congratulations to Year 6 who have once again achieved great attendance - 97.6 this week! Well done! 

It’s great to see everyone working so hard to ensure we are improving attendance - thank you for your ongoing support with this. 

25 Years of World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March 2022

After half term, we will be celebrating World Book Day by asking children to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character. 

We will also be very lucky to have award winning and ‘best seller’ author, Karen George, visiting our school school for the day. 

We look forward to spending the day celebrating a love of books and reading with our children. 

Collecting children at the end of the school day 

Please can we politely remind parents/carers that when they are collecting children from the bottom entrance (car park) at the end of the school day, they should be waiting for them to be dismissed by their class teacher. We understand that there can be a rush to get home at the end of the school day, but to avoid confusion, we would like to ask that you avoid calling your child out of line, and wait patiently for them to be let go by a member of staff. 

Equally important, we would like to ask that if someone different will be collecting your child from school, that you let the school office or class teacher know. Safeguarding our children is our uppermost priority and we thank you for your continued support in keeping our school a safe environment. 

INSET Days - school closed

A reminder that the next two INSET days will be Monday 28th February and Friday 1st July. 

Parent’s Coffee Morning 

As you may know, we currently run a coffee morning for parents on a Friday morning. All parents are welcome to join us for a cuppa, and not only is it a great opportunity to meet other parents and engage in the school community, it's also a great chance to talk to school staff about any concerns you may have around things that are happening at school or at home.  

During the school week, we understand that it might be difficult to get in touch with your child’s teacher or other members of staff, so Coffee Morning is a perfect way to make contact with someone in school who will be able to support you. 

Coffee Morning runs every Friday from 9.00am 

Chill Club Booking 

Please can parents/carers be reminded that bookings for Chill Time Klub should be made before 12pm. Occasionally there may be an exceptional circumstance that means you need to book your child in to Chill unexpectedly - should this happen, we will always try to accommodate your child however there may be times that we are unable to support this. Due to staffing and health and safety regulations, we can only allow 30 children to attend at one time. 

Footwear and Uniform 

A polite reminder that children should only be wearing plain black trainers or shoes to school. This includes laces, and we would like to ask for any embellishments (buckles, buttons, etc.) to be black or as minimal as possible. We have recently noticed a large number of children coming to school wearing various styles of boots, with extreme buckles, tassels and other excessive embellishments - these are not school uniform and should not be worn to school. 

Summer Chill 

We are looking at the possibility of running an all day Chill Club for two weeks across the summer holiday period. 

The sessions would run from 10am - 3pm and would be available to any children in Reception - Year 5. 

Dates and costs for these sessions are yet to be confirmed, however if you think this is something your child would like to take part in, please contact the school office to register your interest. 

Headteachers Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 


  • Theo for doing some fantastic subitising in Maths using a dice - well done Theo!

Year 1 -  

  • Elsie - for her fantastic contributions in maths this week and using a range of strategies including crossing out and counting back on a number line to solve subtraction problems. 

Year 2 -  

  • Lily B- For her creative ideas when creating her innovation plan for our story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.
  • Megan - For inventing her own magical creature and describing what it does.

Year 3 -

  • Ollie- For showing curiosity, focus and effort in every lesson. Ollie sets a fantastic example for the class and his hard work never goes unnoticed. Well done Ollie!

Year 4- 

  • Logan- You are receiving this award for your hard work during maths this week. You have learnt your 3 times table and are now applying it to answer tricky questions. Keep up the great work!

Year 5 -  

  • Fidel - for seeing things through with his fractions work and working out how to convert fractions and solve sequences
  • Regshaya - for trying out new formal vocabulary in her Ancient Egyptian essay
  • Cheyenne - Well done for your super learning by trial and error working through sequencing some tricky fractions

Year 6 -  

  • Miley - for showing maturity and taking responsibility for her homework; ensuring that everyone in class had their homework ready and handed in. Well done, Mliey! Great job, everyone!
  • William - for his outstanding 20 out of 20 in 4 minutes and 39 seconds on his arithmetic paper - incredible!

Dates for Diaries

Friday 18 February 2022 - End of term 3

Monday 28th February 2022 - INSET Day 

Tuesday 1st March 2022 - Start of Term 4

Thursday 3rd March 2022            -       World Book Day

Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4

Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5

Monday 9th May 2022 - SATs Week

Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5

Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6

Friday 1st July - INSET Day

Thursday 21 July 2022 End of the school year

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...