Friday, 5 November 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

New After School Clubs

WATCH THIS SPACE! We will be starting after school clubs very soon. We will have limited spaces for Juniors to take up archery and basketball, and for Infants to join tag-rugby and multi-sport clubs. More information to come soon!

Breakfast Club 

From Monday, we will be trialling having the breakfast club entrance at the kitchen gate. The gate will be open from 8am until 8:15am and a breakfast club staff member will be at the entrance to welcome the children. After 8:15am, any late arrivals will need to go to the main office. Many thanks. 

Reception Applications 

If you have a child that was born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018, or you know someone that does, admissions are now open for Reception Class applications. 

We are very proud of our Reception Class, and our Early Years Team works very hard to create a welcoming and exciting environment for our new pupils. 

Applications close on 15th January 2022 and we will be holding open events on the following dates: 

  • Wednesday 17th November - 9.30am and 4.30pm 
  • Thursday 9th December  - 2.30pm and 4.30pm 
  • Monday 10th January  - 9.30am and 4.30pm 

If you would like to attend one of these open sessions, please contact the school office to book a space.  Each session will take about 30 minutes. 


Unfortunately none of our classes managed to achieve over 97% attendance this week. Due to the change in weather we have noticed a lot of children off of school with general cold symptoms - please be reminded that children can still come to school with a cold, and we are able to provide Calpol for minor illness if necessary. 

Thank you for your continued support in helping us to improve attendance. We hope we can celebrate more and more classes achieving that 97% and above soon! 

Bonfire/Firework Safety

Today is bonfire night, and we know that lots of families will be out and about this evening enjoying fireworks and bonfire celebrations. 

Avon Fire and Rescue have some fantastic safety advice available at: if you’re planning your own celebrations, or attending an organised event, we recommend taking a look at this guidance to ensure everyone stays safe over this weekend. 

Poppy Appeal

As you know The Chaplaincy Team have been selling poppies, badges, snap bands, wristbands and other items this week to support this years’ poppy appeal. If your child would like to support this fantastic cause, sales will continue throughout next week. 

Children in Need

This year's Children in Need will be taking place on Friday 19th November. All children are invited to come into school wearing something spotty in exchange for a £1 donation. Children in Need is a fantastic cause and supports almost 4,000 charities across the UK to directly support children and young people who have been affected by a range of disadvantages. 

Headteachers Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Year 1 -  

  • Maya - for trying so hard with her phonics and reading, she has moved up a level with her blending words and reading this week! 
  • Phoebe - for her wonderful writing in literacy linked to Bonfire Night. 

Year 2 -   

  • For Year 2 children - We worked in small teams to find a suitable material to make a boat for our Gingerbread Man so he could sail on water.  Everyone worked hard and had lots of fun investigating what material was going to be  the best.
  • Alfie - for being so supportive, caring and helpful to support his mum recently. 


Year 3 - 

  • Leo- For tackling problem solving  with confidence and using his skills to support others. 
  • Ronnie and Lindsay- For being brave and reading beautifully in our first Mass with Father Michael. 

Year 4-

  • Frankie- for being so kind, caring and generous towards her classmates.

Year 5 -  

  • Tommy - for showing enthusiasm in maths
  • Freya - for her evocative use of personification, bringing the cinema experience to life

Year 6

  • Y6 Chaplaincy Team - Well done to Adi, Charlotte, Emily, Cody, Alex, Kaya and Missey for selling our poppies and leading the school liturgical assembly. You have set the highest standards of behaviour and set such a good example to others.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 19th November                   -        Children in Need 

Friday 17 December 2021 - End of Term 2

Tuesday 4th January 2022 - Start of Term 3

Friday 18 February 2022 - End of term 3

Monday 28th February 2022 - Start of Term 4

Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4

Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5

Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5

Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6

Thursday 21 July 2022 End of the school year

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...