Dear Parents and Carers,
Congratulations to our 5 Star Kitchen!
This week our school kitchen was visited by the Environmental Health Team to carry out their annual inspection. We are pleased to inform you that our kitchen has been rated 5 Stars for food hygiene and safety!!
Congratulations to our kitchen team for their continued hard work.
Photographs on Facebook
As you know, we currently use Facebook to promote our school and keep parents informed of what’s been happening throughout the school day. We love sharing photographs of the wonderful work our pupils have been doing, however we currently have a number of parents who have not given consent for photographs to be used - this may be through your own choice or simply a forgotten tick box on a form!
We would like to be able to include as many pupils as possible in the photographs we use, so if you would like to give consent for your child’s photograph to be used on Facebook, or even update your consent options, please call into the school office to let us know.
Curriculum Information
In preparation for the upcoming parents’ evening, we are publishing overviews of each classes current curriculum on the school website (Years 1-6) -
These overviews will shadow you what your child is learning each term.
Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:
- Year 3 with 97% attendance.
- Year 6 with 97% attendance.
O uwagę naszych polskich prelegentów
Please help! We have a growing number of Polish families joining our community and it has become increasingly important for us to learn some Polish words and phrases related to school. Do we have a parent who feels they would be able to run a regular, short Polish lesson for staff after school on a Wednesday? We would be very grateful for your help! Please speak with Mrs Jordan if this is something you feel you may be able to do with us.
Secondary School Applications
Secondary school applications must be submitted by 31st October 2021. Please follow the link for information on how to support your child’s application submission.
Headteachers Awards
The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page.
Year 1 -
- Nicole, Jenson, Gloria, Jessica - For working together as a team to create a 3d, aerial view, map of our school in Geography using recyclable materials, creating their own labels and a compass!
Year 2 -
- Daiquari and Alfie - For working so hard in our phonics lesson and remembering to use our sound buttons to help us to blend and segment.
Year 3 -
- Filip and David- For their great effort in understanding and using inverted commas for speech.
Year 4 -
- Oscar- for being a great steward of CTK. Oscar is caring, kind, generous and often puts other children first. We all have recognised this and it is a great trait to have!
Year 5 -
- Benji P - for searching for his own solutions to our ‘Big Question’ in RE.
Year 6
- Ian - for being such a supportive and kind member of our team. He has been the first to encourage success and support others - what a superstar!
- Serenity - for being an incredible mathematician. She has worked really hard to improve her understanding of negative numbers and has shown a real improvement this week.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 18th October - Parents’ Evening
Tuesday 19th October - Parents’ Evening
Friday 22 October 2021 - End of Term 1
Monday 1 November 2021 - Start of Term 2
Friday 17 December 2021 - End of Term 2
Tuesday 4th January 2022 - Start of Term 3
Friday 18 February 2022 - End of term 3
Monday 28th February 2022 - Start of Term 4
Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4
Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5
Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5
Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6
Thursday 21 July 2022 - End of the school year
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon