Dear Parents and Carers,
Football and Monday Morning
With the wonderful news that England have reached the Euro Final this Sunday evening, we are now planning for next week and understand that most children will be staying up late and may struggle to get into school for the normal starting time. We would rather that, if needed, children come in a bit later than coming in too tired or not at all.
Our plan for Monday is that school will start as normal, however your child can come into school at the later time of 10.30am. Children coming in at this later time won't be marked late or miss any lessons.
Good luck to the England Team!
Staffing news and class organisation 2020-21
As we prepare for a safe summer holiday, here is the class teacher structure from September:
- Nursery - Miss Griffiths
- Reception - Mrs Wareham
- Year 1 - Miss Letherby
- Year 2 - Mrs Rowland
- Mrs Meacham - SEND teacher in Key Stage 1
- Year 3 - Miss Garrett and Mrs Buckland
- Year 4 - Mr Prichard
- Year 5 - Miss Kingscote and Mrs Rotheram
- Year 6 - Mr Purser (Deputy Headteacher)
- Teacher in various classes - Mrs Peppin
- Assistant Headteacher and Inclusion Lead - Mrs Jordan
Advice for a successful transition
This week your child will have been told about their new teacher/s. Many children are feeling anxious about change and we ask you to support them by talking about and listening to any worries. Here are some tips:
1. Saying goodbyes
Changing classes and teachers is an experience of loss. Remind them to say goodbye to the room, to the children who are going to a different class or school and to their teachers. By helping children say a clear goodbye, we are helping them to say a clear hello.
2. Listen
Do not underestimate the power of simply listening to whatever a child is saying. Then repeat the core message back to the child to make sure you got it. This will show that you understand.
3. Maintain the normal
Human beings resist change. So new class routines as well as the usual school routines and good home routines e.g. for bedtime or getting up for school, are important – these help to maintain normality.
4. Welcome difficult feelings
Children may get the sense that they are not allowed to have negative feelings about a new class. Encourage children to feel like they are allowed to have all kinds of emotions about the class change.
5. Teach how to meet people
Some people adapt to change or something new more quickly than others. Everyone takes different amounts of time to process feelings and adapt to the new. Teach children to look for those who may be on their own, and to talk to their adults and friends.
First Holy Communion
On Sunday 11th July, the children who started their First Communion preparation last year will be taking their First Holy Communion. Covid has tested us all over the last year and a half, and these children have been really sensible and grown up during this time. They have continued with their journey with Mrs Triggs and have really enjoyed seeing her again.
Due to Year 3 having to isolate this week, they will be taking their First Holy Communion a week later.
Can we keep these children and their families in our prayers as they celebrate this wonderful event.
Tobacco Factory Stories and Photography Project
Boomsatsuma CIC, a creative and cultural organisation, is trying to secure funding to deliver a photography project that explores how and why the community around the Tobacco Factory has evolved and changed over time. Working with pupils aged 9 - 16 from local primary and secondary schools, boomsatsuma will train young people in analogue photographic skills whilst developing their understanding and experience of local heritage and offer them careers opportunities and intergenerational community engagement. The project will end with a celebration event and exhibition at Tobacco Factory to showcase the work of the young people involved and the local stories they have researched.
For our application, we're conducting some research. It would be great if you could complete the survey below to help us secure the funding!
Thanks so much - boomsatsuma
Medical appointments
Please provide evidence of medical appointments if you wish to take your child out of school for an appointment, may we ask that you always try to have these appointments out of school hours, where possible.
We are almost at the end of our school year and we'd like to ask all parents and carers to support us at school by ensuring your child/children are here every day unless they are too ill. If your child is too ill for school, can we ask that you call the school office by 8.30am and be available to talk if we need more information. If your child needs more than 1 or 2 days, we may ask for evidence of this in order to authorise the absence.
Late Collection From School
We have a number of children who are regularly collected late from school. Whilst we understand that parents and carers may be occasionally late collecting their child, when this is a regular occurrence, it does stop teachers and teaching assistants preparing lessons for the next school day.
Where this is a regular occurrence, teachers will be first texting parents and carers to remind them of the correct collection time. Following this a letter will be sent home by the attendance team and then a letter from myself, inviting parents and carers into school to discuss the matter.
To support families in the future, we are planning a more flexible approach to after-school activities from September.
We will also be introducing a system of charging parents and carers, where late collection is a significant and ongoing problem.
More information will be coming soon and we thank you all for your cooperation.
Places Available
We have a number of places available for this September’s Reception Class. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.
Headteacher’s Awards
The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page.
Reception -
- Esme for being a really kind friend and for always helping her friends around her.
- Isla for showing enthusiasm in growing our own plants and for being able to tell others what a plant needs to grow!
Year 1 -
- Harper L - For persevering with her week this week and trying her best.
- William - For trying to work more independently to complete his work - well done!
Year 2 -
- Toby - For showing us how he has continued to look after his sunflower plant at home.
Year 3 -
- Couture- For her brilliant enthusiasm during her online maths intervention work with Miss Owers.
- Frankie- For persevering with the technical issues she faced during her online phonics lessons with Mrs Miller. Frankie showed great determination and did not give up.
- Year 3- For a fantastic attitude towards their home learning this week. Year 3 took part in games and quizzes on Zoom as well as phonics and maths interventions. They worked so hard to complete some brilliant work. We are so proud!
Year 4 -
- Lilianna and Merit- For having a great attitude towards all aspects of learning this week, including maths assessments. The girls sit next to each other in class and are a fantastic team. They support, listen and challenge each other every day, and are also close friends!
Year 6
- Jazleen & Mimi - For a considered and mature approach to our RSE units. You both took an active part of the lesson, you were able to support others in discussions and this was reflected in your workbook answers - well done!
Dates for Diaries
- Sports Day - Monday 19th July
- End of school year - Wednesday 21 July 2021.
- Start of 2021-22 school year - Monday 6th September
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon