Sunday, 14 March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been wonderful this week having everybody back in school. The children have been incredibly excited to be in school, to see their friends and to carry on learning in school. Can I thank you all at home for supporting your children throughout lockdown, which has prepared them well to return with confidence and lots of positivity.

As hopefully, safely, move towards a more normal time in school, can I share a few reminders...

Packed lunches

We have noticed children with a lot of high sugar foods e.g. full sized chocolate bars in their packed lunches. Please try to stick to our recommended packed lunch for a child which is: A savoury sandwich OR sausage roll, a standard sized packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a packet of biscuits or small treat and a drink. This will help the children’s mood and energy levels to be more steady throughout the day. If you would like any support with managing your child’s eating please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan in the Inclusion office. 

Filwood Cinema

Contractors will be beginning the demolition of the old cinema soon. All work will be managed safely and should not affect families travelling to or from school.

Attendance - Thank You and Well Done

Firstly can I thank you all for the amazing attendance on our first week back in school.

Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

Nursery with 99% attendance

  • Reception with 97% attendance
  • Year 1 with 100% attendance
  • Year 3 with 97% attendance.
  • Year 5 with 100% attendance.
  • Year 6 with 99% attendance.

Red Nose Day

Next Friday (19th March) is Red Nose Day. Although children won’t be able to buy red noses in school next week, we will be encouraging children to wear them in on Friday, whilst wearing their own clothes and for families to make donations, if they are able, online.

Children will also have the opportunity to join in with Red Nose day activities during the day, including a special Times Tables Rockstars Challenge.

Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception -

  • George for having a good week and for always being willing to help others. 

Year 1 -  

  • Rocco - For working so hard in maths this week and helping his friends.
  • Braydon - for showing his confident side in art and producing a great zentangle.

Year 2 -  

  •              Kian -  For thinking of others and being helpful.
  •              Frazer - For having a great first week back and settling back into a good routine.

Year 3 - 

  • Reggie and Macy-  For working well as a team to complete our reading scavenger hunt. 
  • Ronnie- For using interesting vocabulary when describing a journey to earth from space. 

Year 4 -

  • Freddie- For being so vocal during this week’s lessons. Freddie has contributed to our discussions around our new story, ‘Journey’, and has also shown confidence in solving equivalent fractions. A superb week in school all round! 

Year 5 -  

  • Bryan - for making inferences whilst reading with Mrs Sims.  Also for settling into a brand-new school so quickly!  Really pleased to have you in our class, Bryan!
  • Adi - for showing initiative during our writing conferencing session and asking to learn how to do something new.

Year 6

  • To Miss Channing for doing a fantastic job teaching Year 6 this week whilst Mr Purser has been away.
  • For Year 6 for coming back to school with so much enthusiasm and a great sense of fun!

Dates for Diaries

  • Red Nose Day - Friday 19th March.
  • End of Term 4 - Thursday 1 April 2021.
  • World Book Day - Thursday 4th March.
  • INSET - Monday 19th April.
  • Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021.


Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...