Sunday, 28 March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Faith Newsletters

From now on, we will be sharing a monthly faith newsletter that celebrates the Catholic ethos of the school. As we move through Lent towards the end of a very challenging but incredibly successful term, our eyes are fixed on the message of hope that Easter brings. Click on the link below.

Faith Newsletters


As well as the previously announced INSET date of Monday 19th April. The school will also be closed for staff training on Friday 14th May and Monday 14th June.

Lent and Easter

During Lent children have been learning about the Easter story and children we have had weekly Stations of the Cross reflections in Key Stage 2. We are planning an online Easter celebration, involving Fr. Michael and children in all classes, which will take place on Thursday 1st May (Maundy Thursday) and will be posted online afterwards.

PE kits

From Monday 22nd March please can children come into school in their PE kit on the day they have PE. At the moment we do not have space to store PE kit in a COVID safe way and therefore this is the safest way for our children to be appropriately dressed for their PE lessons and remain safe. PE kit is a plain and non-branded white t-shirt, non-branded black/navy shorts and black daps or black trainers. If the weather is cold, children can wear navy/black tracksuit bottoms over their shorts to keep them warm. Please see class PE days below.

  • Monday- Reception and Year 6
  • Tuesday- Year 1 and Year 5
  • Wednesday- Year 4
  • Thursday- Hub, Year 2 and Year 3 


Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Year 1 with 97% attendance.
  • Year 6 with 97% attendance.

Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception - 

  • Zuzanna for making a great start to school especially during phonics and writing new words.

Year 1 -  

  • Megan - for always being so enthusiastic and being able to recall lots of information to put in her fact file while learning about the countries of the UK during Geography. 

Year 2 - 

  • Shayne, Roxy, Angelica, Liliana, Filip and David for their illustrations representing the Stations of the Cross.      

Year 3 - 

  • Bridie- For making fantastic progress with her reading.
  • Kalvin- For working hard to improve his presentation and handwriting in English. Brilliant work! 

Year 4 -

  • Merit- for considering carefully the purpose of her writing and selecting perfect vocabulary to entertain the reader. Merit also impressed Miss Garrett with her contributions during group comprehension work. 

Year 5 -  

  • Gabriel - for consistently achieving 'valuable player' in our times table rock star battles!  We think you rock!
  • Ian - for his clear (and thoughtful) instructions detailing how to tell the truth.
  • Chloe - for her super-detailed yet easy-to-follow instructions for telling the truth. 

Year 6

  • Mimi - for strong and consistent effort and motivation; actively contributing and persevering with her work.
  • Blessing - for being more confident, when speaking in class. Well done for contributing to our reading sequence.

Dates for Diaries

  • End of Term 4 - Thursday 1 April 2021.
  • World Book Day - Thursday 4th March.
  • INSET - Monday 19th April.
  • INSET - Friday 14th May.
  • INSET - Monday 14th June.
  • Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 


Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Friday, 19 March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Lent and Easter

During Lent children have been learning about the Easter story and children we have had weekly Stations of the Cross reflections in Key Stage 2. We are planning an online Easter celebration, involving children in all classes, will take place on Thursday 1st May (Maundy Thursday) and will be posted online afterwards.

World Down’s Syndrome day 

This Sunday 21st is World Down’s Syndrome day. To acknowledge this, on Monday 22nd March we will be talking with the children about our differences and how important it is to treat everybody with respect and kindness.

PE Kits

From Monday 22nd March please can children come into school in their PE kit on the day they have PE. At the moment we do not have space to store PE kit in a COVID safe way and therefore this is the safest way for our children to be appropriately dressed for their PE lessons and remain safe. PE kit is a plain white t-shirt, black/navy shorts and black daps or black trainers. If the weather is cold, children can wear navy/black tracksuit bottoms over their shorts to keep them warm. Please see class PE days below.

  • Monday- Reception and Year 6
  • Tuesday- Year 1 and Year 5
  • Wednesday- Year 4
  • Thursday- Hub, Year 2 and Year 3 

Packed Lunches

We have noticed children with a lot of high sugar foods e.g. full sized chocolate bars in their packed lunches. Please try to stick to our recommended packed lunch for a child which is: A savoury sandwich OR sausage roll, a standard sized packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a packet of biscuits or small treat and a drink. This will help the children’s mood and energy levels to be more steady throughout the day. If you would like any support with managing your child’s eating please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan in the Inclusion office. 

Filwood Cinema

Contractors will be beginning the demolition of the old cinema soon. All work will be managed safely and should not affect families travelling to or from school.

Morning Arrival

Please remember that children who arrive before the time their class is due to come in to school are not supervised around the school entrances and need to be with an adult.


Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Year 3 with 97% attendance.
  • Year 6 with 99% attendance - for the second week!

Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception - 

  • Kaiden - for working hard at his writing in phonics by using the whiteboard to spell CVC words. He has really progressed in his letter formation and is always very proud of himself when he achieves this. 

Year 1 -  

  • Chloe - For her fantastic reading! 
  • William - for having a great attitude towards his learning since returning to school and trying hard to complete his work more independently.

Year 2 -  

  • Whole class - For fantastic work based around having the courage to be ourselves and creating our own shape poems using adjectives to describe our character.
Year 3 - 

  • Couture- For making fantastic progress in maths and working hard to practise at home. 
  • Freddie- For showing great enthusiasm in English lessons and contributing brilliant, creative ideas. 

Year 4 -

  • Declan - for showing great enthusiasm when contributing to our class text, ‘Journey’ and working hard at his fractions alongside Miss Garrett.

Year 5 -  

  • MIllie - for using feedback to independently improve her writing.
  • Archie - for using feedback to independently crack converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.

Year 6

  • Lexi and Emmanuel - for planning,recording and delivering this week’s Stations of the Cross Assembly.
  • Jayden - for making big strides in his Reading Wise programme.

Dates for Diaries

  • End of Term 4 - Thursday 1 April 2021.
  • World Book Day - Thursday 4th March.
  • INSET - Monday 19th April.
  • Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Monday, 15 March 2021

Dear Parents & Carers,

Comic Relief Update

We would like to celebrate Red Nose Day this Friday 19th March, particularly as the theme this year is to have some fun, to think about who our superheroes are and to raise money to support people living very tough lives. 

We would like to invite children to dress up as a superhero that day;  this could be someone famous they admire, their favourite hero from a book or perhaps someone in their family who is their superhero; it could be their teacher, teaching assistant, NHS staff, key workers or the amazing Captain Sir Tom - it’s up to them! They could also invent a superhero, if they wish! This does not have to be an elaborate outfit by any means, it could just be a hat or a prop that they bring which signifies their hero. 

If you wish to make a donation of £1 to Comic Relief, as part of this day, please send the money in a sealed envelope to school with your child.

Thank you for your support.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been wonderful this week having everybody back in school. The children have been incredibly excited to be in school, to see their friends and to carry on learning in school. Can I thank you all at home for supporting your children throughout lockdown, which has prepared them well to return with confidence and lots of positivity.

As hopefully, safely, move towards a more normal time in school, can I share a few reminders...

Packed lunches

We have noticed children with a lot of high sugar foods e.g. full sized chocolate bars in their packed lunches. Please try to stick to our recommended packed lunch for a child which is: A savoury sandwich OR sausage roll, a standard sized packet of crisps, a piece of fruit and a packet of biscuits or small treat and a drink. This will help the children’s mood and energy levels to be more steady throughout the day. If you would like any support with managing your child’s eating please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan in the Inclusion office. 

Filwood Cinema

Contractors will be beginning the demolition of the old cinema soon. All work will be managed safely and should not affect families travelling to or from school.

Attendance - Thank You and Well Done

Firstly can I thank you all for the amazing attendance on our first week back in school.

Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

Nursery with 99% attendance

  • Reception with 97% attendance
  • Year 1 with 100% attendance
  • Year 3 with 97% attendance.
  • Year 5 with 100% attendance.
  • Year 6 with 99% attendance.

Red Nose Day

Next Friday (19th March) is Red Nose Day. Although children won’t be able to buy red noses in school next week, we will be encouraging children to wear them in on Friday, whilst wearing their own clothes and for families to make donations, if they are able, online.

Children will also have the opportunity to join in with Red Nose day activities during the day, including a special Times Tables Rockstars Challenge.

Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception -

  • George for having a good week and for always being willing to help others. 

Year 1 -  

  • Rocco - For working so hard in maths this week and helping his friends.
  • Braydon - for showing his confident side in art and producing a great zentangle.

Year 2 -  

  •              Kian -  For thinking of others and being helpful.
  •              Frazer - For having a great first week back and settling back into a good routine.

Year 3 - 

  • Reggie and Macy-  For working well as a team to complete our reading scavenger hunt. 
  • Ronnie- For using interesting vocabulary when describing a journey to earth from space. 

Year 4 -

  • Freddie- For being so vocal during this week’s lessons. Freddie has contributed to our discussions around our new story, ‘Journey’, and has also shown confidence in solving equivalent fractions. A superb week in school all round! 

Year 5 -  

  • Bryan - for making inferences whilst reading with Mrs Sims.  Also for settling into a brand-new school so quickly!  Really pleased to have you in our class, Bryan!
  • Adi - for showing initiative during our writing conferencing session and asking to learn how to do something new.

Year 6

  • To Miss Channing for doing a fantastic job teaching Year 6 this week whilst Mr Purser has been away.
  • For Year 6 for coming back to school with so much enthusiasm and a great sense of fun!

Dates for Diaries

  • Red Nose Day - Friday 19th March.
  • End of Term 4 - Thursday 1 April 2021.
  • World Book Day - Thursday 4th March.
  • INSET - Monday 19th April.
  • Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021.


Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Thursday, 11 March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,


About 1 in 3 people with coronavirus do not have symptoms but can still pass it on to others. Regular testing of people

without symptoms (asymptomatic) is important to help stop the virus spreading and protect your loved ones. As lockdown restrictions gradually ease we all need to play our part to help protect each other.

The following people in England will have access to regular rapid lateral flow testing made available to them as schools reopen:

  •  secondary school pupils
  •  all school staff
  •  households, childcare and support bubbles of primary and secondary-age pupils
  •  households, childcare and support bubbles of primary and secondary staff

Staff at School of Christ the King have been voluntarily participating in twice weekly lateral flow tests. 

All households, childcare and support bubbles of school age pupils or school staff now have access to the lateral flow tests.

Primary school pupils will not be asked to test at this time. The intention is that these tests are used by adults in a household or support bubble.

To get tests for yourself or your family, you can:

What twice-weekly testing involves:

  •  taking a test twice a week (every 3 or 4 days apart)
  •  reporting every result to NHS Test and Trace on the same day you take the test

If anyone tests positive with a Lateral Flow home test kit you should tell the school and:

  • self-isolate immediately
  • get a PCR test to confirm the result
  • follow the stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection

A negative result means the test did not find signs of coronavirus. But this does not guarantee you do not have coronavirus, so you should keep following all coronavirus advice including:

  •  regular handwashing
  •  social distancing
  •  wearing a face covering where recommended

For full details about testing, follow the link below:

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Sunday, 7 March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Reading Books

Next week please remember to bring book bags in daily and return any reading books borrowed throughout lockdown.

Our World Book Day  

On Thursday it is our dress up as a book character day. Please wear a coat over any outfit as we hope to parade in the playground and for the longer play times outdoors.

New School Dinner Menu

School Uniform

As we prepare for everybody to return to school can I again remind you that all children should be wearing the following school uniform:

  • PLAIN BLACK shoes or trainers
  • grey / black trousers or skirts – no tracksuit bottoms, or leggings
  • red sweatshirt or cardigan or fleece
  • white / red polo shirts
  • PE Kit (which is plain white t-shirt / plain black shorts and PE daps or trainers)

Our school uniform suppliers have recently moved and can now be found at:

  • UNIT 17
  • BS3 5QE

Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception - 

  • Tad - for coming up with creative ideas to build on his learning including creating his own ramp to test the speed of cars! 

Year 1 -  

  • Ryder - For working really hard on his speech sounds during speech and language and for showing such resilience when communicating his thoughts and ideas.
  • Flynn - For continuously completing his home learning tasks throughout the whole of Lockdown! - well done FLynn!

Year 2 -  

  •    Angelica - For always completing work at a high standard whilst learning from home.
  •    Shayne -    For having the confidence to read out loud on our zoom meeting.    

Year 3 - 

  • Emily- For fantastic expression in her reading.
  • Kaye- For joining in enthusiastically with our class Zooms and always having a smile on her face. 

Year 4 -

  • Benji P- for settling back into the routine of the school day with such positivity.  His ogre information text was written using super vocabulary choices! 

Year 5 -  

  • Justin and Charlotte - for being absolute legends, completing every single piece of home learning and giving every piece their all (That’s more than 150 pieces of home learning!)
  • Rosa - for her superb characterisation in her writing and her great use of descriptive language, a variety of sentence starters, parenthesis and interesting verbs. 

Year 6

  • Ellis - for being a whizz on TTRS and for returning to school with a positive attitude.
  • Hollie - for returning to school and producing lovely writing on the 2nd day back.

Dates for Diaries

  • End of Term 4 - Thursday 1 April 2021.
  • World Book Day - Thursday 4th March
  • INSET - Monday 19th April.
  • Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Thursday, 4 March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this letter finds you all well and safe. 

I am pleased to provide you with clarification and details on the re-opening of our school to the children on Monday 8th March. Although we all share concern about the well being of everybody in our school and community, a safe return to school will benefit our children greatly and enable them to continue learning, playing and being part of the family here at School of Christ the King. 

Well done to all the children and families for what you have achieved since 5th January. 

We will be working with our children to settle back in to the routines, systems and processes of school, ensuring that they all feel happy and safe.

I would like to provide some clarification on our arrangements for opening on Monday 8th March and we felt it would be beneficial to provide you with a reminder and updates.  

Establishing Good Routines

As we all get back into the routine of regular school life it’s also important we all get enough sleep to be ready for the school day. Please help us help our children by encouraging them to sleep well, especially before a day in school. Breakfast is very important and if your child is in KS2 we ask you to send them with a piece of fruit for tuck to keep them going.  

What to Bring to School Next Week

  • Children should wear full school uniform when they return. 
  • Following current government guidance, primary school children should not wear protective masks in school.
  • If your child brings a packed lunch to school please can it be in a disposable bag or a plastic box that can be wiped/washed.
  • Please can the children bring a water bottle every day.
  • Please ensure your child has any medication in school which they would usually take and that it has a label with their name printed on it and is in-date.
  • Book bags which can fit in their class tray (so not bigger backpacks as these cannot be stored safely)
  • We are planning for children to start using their PE kits into school from the second week of return. We will update you next week on how we will safely manage this.

If anyone in school becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell they will be sent home. They will be advised to follow the ‘stay at home’ guidance to self isolate for at least 10 days and arrange to have a Covid-19 test. While a child is awaiting collection we will ensure that they are cared for in an appropriate room within the school. 

We will inform all families within the class/year group if we have to send anyone home. It is imperative that parents/carers inform school, via the School Administration Office when a test result has been received. 

If a negative result is received and the child feels well enough they can return to school. 

If we are aware of a positive test result for anyone who has been in the school we will take swift action. We will make contact with the local health protection team and we will have to send home those who have been in close contact with the person who has tested positive. They will be required to self-isolate for 10 days from when they were last in close contact. 

Remote learning will be provided for those children. 

Pick-up and drop off of children

As before, to ensure parents do not gather outside the school building and can follow social distancing guidelines, each group will have a different start and finish time. Please stick to the time your child is allocated, as groups of children are not to come into contact with each other:

To make the start of the day as safe as possible, when children enter and leave the school, we will be using two entrances:

  • The main entrance
  • The carpark entrance.

Please maintain social distancing of 2m+ at all times when waiting outside school.

Please can you wear a face covering (unless not able to do for medical reasons).

If your child uses the car park entrance, please wait for the previous class children/parents to exit before coming down the lane.

If at all possible, just one parent/carer to drop and collect children.

If possible, do not bring younger siblings in buggies.

Please stay outside the school gates and please pass on any concerns or queries via the office email address or phone.

Children who do not arrive on time will have to wait until an adult can safely supervise them coming into school. If children are on time then they will be quickly escorted into school, otherwise they may have to wait.

If weather is especially bad and you have a gap to wait (between classes) of 10 mins or more, please phone the office before 2.30pm and we will arrange for both children to leave at the later collection time. We can only do this for a limited number and if agreed in advance. This can only be done for siblings.


A Reminder of start and end of day times

Please can we ask parents and carers to not congregate in groups when dropping off and collecting their children and unless you have a valid reason always wear a face mask. This is to protect our school community. Thank you.

Return to School - Breakfast and After School Clubs

Although the government has announced a return of breakfast and afterschool clubs we can not safely staff these clubs whilst keeping children and staff COVID safe. 

Therefore we will only be able to provide breakfast or after club support where it is absolutely essential.

Thank You

Can I take this opportunity to thank you all again for working so closely with us to keep the school active and alive and ready for the challenge of everybody returning on Monday.

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all next week.

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Return of Devices (Chromebooks and IPads)

We are preparing for children to return to school on Monday and when they do they will be continuing to use digital devices to support their learning every day. So that we are ready on Monday, we are requesting, wherever possible, that parents and carers bring these back to school on Thursday or Friday of this week. We appreciate that this will make home learning more difficult on these days, but it will enable classes to get working using these devices immediately on their return on Monday. Thanks.

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...