Dear Parents/Carers,
Reception September 2020
We currently have space for Reception Class for September 2020. If you are interested in applying for a place, please contact the school office on 01179 664844.
Exciting news! New school nursery opening this Autumn
We are extremely pleased and very excited to announce that our new school nursery will be opening this Autumn for 3 and 4 year olds.
If you are interested in applying for a place for your child or think you may know someone who is interested, please ask them to contact the school office to express interest.
The current Year 2 classroom and Learning Hub 1 space will be converted into the new nursery with a new classroom being built in the school playground.
We think this is a very exciting opportunity and look forward to welcoming nursery children into our school family!
Headteacher’s Awards
Reception -
- Lianater - for working really hard at school and with her home learning tasks.
- Rocco - For having a great attitude to his home learning and producing creative work.
Year 1 -
- Leo - Fantastic attitude and achievement whilst working in school.
- Ralf- Super attitude to working in the school environment.
Year 2 -
- Conrad - For continually impressing us and using his imagination to extend learning creatively.
- Wilfred - For working so hard at home, which his family are really pleased with!
- Josiah - For completing all home learning tasks to the best of his ability.
Year 3 -
- Maisie- For working really hard at home and school to ensure her work is completed to a brilliant standard.
- Miley- For being thoughtful and thinking of others during this difficult time.
- Merit- For being an enthusiastic learner and putting a fantastic effort into her home learning.
- Pamodou- For making massive improvements to his score on Times Table Rockstars this week.
Year 4 -
- Rosa - For making time to catch up with work that was missed and for making a really tasty looking carrot cake!
- Emily Zietek - For using zoom for the first time! We could hear her, but we could not see her!
- Kaya - For showing fantastic independence completing all of her work, whilst her mum has been busy working.
Year 5 -
- Emmanuel - For adapting so well to the different way of life at school and being a model for the younger children to look up to.
- Freddie - For adapting so well to the different way of life at school and being a model for the younger children to look up to.
- Gabriel - for accepting the challenge and going for gold in his maths work!
- Jazleen - for her thorough and well thought-out approach to her learning which she often completes after her day at school and for setting such a great example and being great with the younger children whilst at school.
Year 6 -
- Megan - for always being an active member of the home learning team. She encourages others and always tries her best.
Have a great bank holiday and half term break.
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon