Dear Parents/Carers,
Well Done Everybody for Improved Attendance!
Our recent census showed some very positive news about improvements in attendance over time. Over the last 4 years attendance has improved each year from 94.3% to 95.7%. This may not seem like a big difference, but the improvement of 1.4% means:
- Our overall attendance is now in line with national figures for primary schools.
- Attendance is now above Bristol overall attendance.
- Overall children are in school an incredible 545 extra days extra across the year compared to 4 years ago.
- This is the same as an average of 2 ½ days of school per child compared to 4 year ago.
Also well done to the following class who had attendance at over 97%:
- Year 2 = 99%
This means that Year 2 will have non-uniform on Friday 7th June.
Job Vacancy
We have a vacancy for a school cleaner to start on the 15th July 2019. If you would like to apply please speak to the School Office.
Pupil Places Available
The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Reception, Year 2 and 5. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.
Important - Home addresses and contact details
Please can you advise the school office if you have changed your home address or mobile telephone number. It is important that the school is able to contact parents/carers.
A reminder of cancelled clubs due to staff training
Dates of School Clubs (including Chill Time Klub) that are cancelled for Staff training:
All dates are Wednesday:-
- 12th June
- 26th June
- 10th July
After School Care - Chill Time Klub
A reminder that Chill Time Klub is the after school care available to all children in the school. The club runs from 3.15pm to 4.30pm at a cost of £3.50.
Summer Chill Time Klub
Summer Chill Time Klub will run again during the summer holiday. The ‘Klub’ will be open on w/c 29th July and 5th August. If you would like to book your child into the Klub please telephone the school office.
Headteacher awards
The Head teacher awards for Monday 3rd June at 9:00am are: Bethany and Fritzhie (YR) , Reggie and Freya (Y1), Calvin and Cheyenne (Y2), Missey and William (Y3), Olly and Hollie S (Y4), Megan (Y5), Lily and Jay (Y6).
Children in Year 4 who have been doing swing dance will give a performance at the assembly on the 3rd June.
Dates for Diaries
27th May - 31st May - School holiday
7th June - 10th June - Year 6 Camp to Manor Adventure
11th June - Outdoor Experience Day - Year 3 to Mendips
21st June - 26th June - Summer Book Fair - more details to follow
Monday 17th June - INSET Day - School Closed
Tuesday 18th June - INSET Day - School Closed
25th June - Outdoor Experience Day - Year 2 to Ashton Court
28th June - Year 6 - Transition - St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School
2nd July - Year 6 - Transition - St Bernadette Secondary School
2nd July - Outdoor Experience Day - Year 4 to Kenfig Beach
4th July - Year 6 - Transition - Ashton Park School
5th July - Year 6 - Transition - St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School
9th July - Outdoor Experience Day - Year 5 - Malverns
Friday 19th July - End of school year for children
22nd & 23rd July - Inset Days (school closed)
24th July 2019 - 30th August - School Holiday
w/c 29th July - Summer Chill Time Klub
w/c 5th August - Summer Chill Time Klub
Monday 2nd September 2019 - INSET (school closed)
Tuesday 3rd September - Start of academic year for children
Thursday and Friday 12th & 13th September - Barton Camp
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon