Friday, 9 November 2018

Dear Parents/Carers,

Parent Governor Vacancy

As I am sure you are aware, all schools have a Governing Body who support the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their endeavours to make this school an outstanding establishment where all children thrive.

We now have a vacancy on our Governing Body for a Parent Governor.  All parents are eligible to apply for this voluntary role and we would ask you to contact the school office if you would like your name to be put forward.

Meetings are termly and  run from 3:30 to 5:30pm.   An interest in the school and finding out more about the way that the school is managed is the first consideration and if you have any specific skills with budgets or experience with staffing issues you would be particularly welcome.

If you would like further information please speak to Miss Roberts in the office who will either be able to help you or will put you in touch with the Clerk to the Governors to answer any specific questions. Alternatively just come and have a chat with me about the role at the school gates.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Big Breakfast Week

There is a Big Breakfast Week running from 12th to 16th November.  Fareshare are organising this event and during the week the school will get a visit from a local celebrity chef to make smoothies with the children. Josh Eggleton, local Bristol Chef, will be visiting on Wednesday 14th November to make smoothies with the children.

Year 6 SATs Week

Year 6 SATs tests will take place from Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May 2019.  These are statutory tests and parents/carers should avoid any family holidays during the month of May.

Moving to another school

If you are looking to move your child to another because of change of address or location etc.  Please can you speak with the school office who will let you have a form to complete for details of the new school.  It is important that the school knows that the child is moving school and where they are going, otherwise we will have to report them as a missing child to the local authority.

Odd Sock Day 


Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Reception 98%
  • Year 2 97%
  • Year 4 97%

Pupil Places Available

The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Year 5 and 6. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.

Head teacher awards

Head teacher awards for Mondays celebration assembly are:-  Liliana (R), Isobel (Y1), Harley (Y2), Justin (Y3),  Imogen and Holly S (Y4), Summer, Sonny, Oscar, Mikolaj, Gabie, Harley, Evie-Rose, Courtnie, Hannah, Chiebuka, Dimitrios, Noella, Ella, Katya, Gracie, Terry, Hannah (Y5) and Logan, Ava-Raie and Kallie-Anna (Y6).

Dates of School Clubs (including Chill Time Klub) that are cancelled for Staff training:

All dates are Wednesday:-

  • 28th Nov
  • 9th Jan
  • 30th Jan
  • 6th March
  • 27th March
  • 1st May
  • 15th May
  • 12th June
  • 26th June
  • 10th July

Key dates

Friday 16th November - Children In Need - Details to follow
24th December - 4th January - School holiday
30th January - 1st February - Year 5 Dean Field Studies Centre 
18th February - 22nd February - School holiday
8th April - 22nd April - School holiday
Wb 13th May - Year 6 SATs week
27th May - 31st May - School holiday
7th June - 10th June - Year 6 Camp to Manor Adventure
22nd & 23rd July - Inset Days
24th July 2019 - 30th August - School Holiday

School Holiday Dates 2019 - 2020

Academic Year start on Monday 2nd September 2019
28th October - 1st November - School Holiday
23rd December - 3rd January - School Holiday
17th February - 21st February - School Holiday
6th April - 17th April - School Holiday
25th May - 29th May - School Holiday
20th July - 31st August - School Holiday

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...