Dear Parents/Carers,
INSET (Staff Training Day) in September
The school will be closed on the first day of the new academic year (Monday 3rd September). This mean that the new school year will begin on Tuesday 4th September.
Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:
- Year 3 with 99%
- Year 4 with 99%
Head teacher Award - Learning Skill - I am an Team Player
Each week we are having a special focus for our Headteacher awards. This week our focus is Teamwork.
Headteachers awards for Monday Assembly are:- Conrad & Zak (Rec), DesArai & Benji P (Yr 1), Archie & Layah (Yr 2), Hollie- Jade & Layla (Yr 3), Terry & Zac (Yr 4), Frazer, Christiana & Ava (Yr 5), Abigail & Holy (Yr 6)
Key dates for Diaries
Tuesday - 19th June - Year 2 Outdoor Experience Day at Ashton Court
19th June - 22nd June - Book Fair
Friday 22nd June - Charity non-uniform day
Friday 22nd June pm - Sports Day
Friday 29th June - SS Peter and Paul Mass in Church
Tuesday 3rd July - Year 4 Outdoor Experience Day at Kenfig Beach
Monday 9th July - INSET Day (school closed)
Tuesday 17th July - Year 5 Outdoor Experience Day at the Malverns
Wednesday 18th July - Leavers Mass
Friday 20th July 2018 - End of school year for children
Monday 23rd July - INSET Day (school closed)
Tuesday 24th July - INSET Day (school closed)
Monday 3rd September - INSET Day (school closed)
Tuesday 4th September - Start of new school year
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon, Headteacher