Sunday, 19 November 2017

CTK logo - smaller.jpgCTK Newsletter
17th November

Dear Parents/Carers,
INSET Day - School Closed

Our last INSET (staff training day) has now been confirmed as Tuesday 2nd January 2018. This means that all days have been confirmed and are in the school calendar.


This week children have brought home a leaflet from Scholastic Books. If you would like to buy any books, please hand the order form in to the office by Friday 24th November. Exact money with your order please, no cheques!

Internet Safety Session for Parents

A big thank you to the parents who attended the session yesterday, led by Miss Letherby.

We will be re-running the same information session again focusing on internet safety on Friday 1st December at 9am.

The parents who attended were interested in a follow up session focusing on cyber-bullying. We will be running this session next term.

Matthew Tree Project

Just a reminder that we are continuing to collect for the Matthew Tree Project. There is a crate in the school reception area for your donations. Thank you.


We would like to celebrate all the different languages which are spoken by our families. If you or your children speak a language other than English, please write out or type up the following greeting and hand it in to the office: ‘Welcome to our school’.

We will be making a display of the greeting in as many languages as you send us! Thank you.

Bike Donation

Do you have a quality used bike lying around at home that you no longer require?  We are looking for any donations of bikes for children so that we can keep them in school and use them when we have cycle training.  Thanks!

Maths Information Session for Parents

Following feedback from parents’ evening, we will be holding a parents’ information meeting introducing parents to how we teach maths in school. This short session, led with Mr Searle will be on Thursday 30th November - 3.15-4pm. Children of parents attending, can stay in Chill Time Klub for free.

Reading Information Session for Parents

Coming soon...

Christmas Lunch

Christmas lunch will take place on 13th December.  Please telephone the school if you DO NOT WISH your child to have a hot christmas dinner.

Another great week of attendance in Years 3 and 4!

  • Year 3 = 99%
  • Year 4 = 99%

This means that Year 3 and Year 4 will have a non uniform day on Thursday 23rd November.

Primary school admissions

Reception Admission for September 2018 is now open on  Children born between 1st September 2013 and 31st August 2014 must apply for a school by midnight on 15th January 2018.
Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will be receiving the Headteacher’s certificate in Monday’s Celebration Assembly:

(YR), Freddie  (Y1),  Lexi, Alex W (Y2), Freddie (Y3), Kenzie (Y4), Filip and Ava-Raie (Y5), Nam (Y6).

Key dates for Diaries                    
  • Friday 24th November - Mass for Feast of Christ the King
  • Thursday 30th November at 3.15pm - Maths Parents’ Information Session
  • Friday 1st December at 9am - E-Safety Parents’ Information Session (repeat of recent session)
  • Wednesday 13th  December - Christmas Lunch
  • Friday 15th December - End of Term 2 and Christmas Mass in Church
  • Tuesday 2nd January - INSET (school closed)
  • Wednesday 3rd January - Start of Term 3 for children
  • Friday 5th January - Epihany Mass in Church
  • 31st January - 2nd February - Year 5 Camp to Dean Field Centre
  • Friday 9th February - End of Term 3
  • Monday 19th February - Start of Term 4
  • Friday 23rd March - End of Term 4
  • Monday 9th April - Start of Term 5
  • Friday 13th April - Easter Mass in Church
  • 14th May - 18th May - Year 6 SATs week
  • Friday 25th May - End of Term 5
  • Monday 4th June - Start of Term 6
  • 8th June - 11th June - Year 6 Manor Adventure Camp
  • Friday 29th June - SS Peter and Paul Mass in Church
  • Monday 9th July - INSET Day (school closed)
  • Friday 20th July 2018 - End of school year for children
  • Monday 23rd July - INSET Day (school closed)
  • Tuesday 24th July - INSET Day (school closed)             

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...