Friday, 6 October 2017

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CTK Newsletter
6th October
Dear Parents/Carers,

Prospective Parents Tours
There will be tours for prospective parents for September 2018. The dates are:
  • Thursday 19th October at 2.00pm
Please contact the school office if you would like to attend.

Good  Attendance!

Well done to the following classes for achieving 97% or more attendance this week:

  • Year 2 with 97%
  • Year 4 with 98%
  • Year 5 with 99%
  • Year 6 with 98%

This maens Year 5 will have a non uniform day on Friday 13th October.

Child supervision at the start of the day.
We have noticed recently that some younger children have been left alone, outside of school, before the school opens at 8.40am.
Can I remind all parents that younger children need to be supervised by a parent or carer until they are safely in school. Before 8.40am, unless they are in Breakfast Club, we cannot offer supervision and all younger children should be supervised by a responsible adult. We thank you all for helping us to keep our children safe.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Parents’ Evenings
Our first Parents’ Evenings of the new school year are on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th October.  Please contact the school office to book an appointment.
Primary school admissions
Reception Admissions for September 2018 is now open on  Children born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 must apply for a school by midnight on 15th January 2018.
Year 6 to apply for a Secondary school place
Parents / Carers need to apply for a Secondary school place for their child in Year 6.  The website is now open on  Secondary school choices need to made by Midnight on 31st October 2017
Safer Internet Use
This term children are learning about how to use the internet safely at home and in school. Please visit the UK Safer Internet Centre for more information for parents and carers -
Headteacher’s Awards

The following children will be receiving the Headteacher’s certificate in Monday’s Celebration Assembly:

Kaleb (Y1), Ashton (Y2), Olly (Y3), Lewis and Terry (Y4), Chloe and Kuzi (Y5), Darius and Cruz (Y6).

Key dates for Diaries                    
  • 13th October - Year 6 to Create Centre
  • Tuesday 17th October - Parent’s Evening
  • Wednesday 18th October - Parent’s Evening
  • Friday 20th October - Year ⅚ trip to Bristol Hippodrome
  • 30th October - Year 3 Rock Wow Day in school
  • 3rd November - School Photographer
  • 13th December - Christmas Lunch
  • 31st January - 2nd February - Year 5 Camp to Dean Field Centre
  • 14th May - 18th May - Year 6 SATs week
  • 8th June - 11th June - Year 6 Manor Adventure Camp
  • Monday 9th July - INSET Day (school closed)
  • Friday 20th July 2018 - End of school year for children
  • Monday 23rd July - INSET Day (school closed)
  • Tuesday 24th July - INSET Day (school closed)             

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...