9th June
Dear Parents/Carers,
INSET Days 2017-18
The following INSET Days (school closed) have been set for the next academic year:
- Monday 4th September
- Monday 9th July
- Monday 23rd July
- Tuesday 24th July
This means the academic year will end for children on Friday 20th July 2018.
Beavers and Cubs Taster Session
Calling all Bear Grylls explorers in training! On Wednesday 21st June the Scouts will be visiting CTK for an after school fun and creative taster session. Parents are invited to bring their children to take part in some Scouting activities like making your own juggling balls to take home and building the tallest tower with only Spaghetti and playdough. Scout leaders will be on hand to run games and answer any questions about Scouting in the local area. It should be a fantastic session and we look forward to seeing you all on the 21st!
The session will run in the school hall after school until 4.30pm. All children attending need to be accompanied by an adult
Celebrating Great Attendance
As you are aware, each term we have a 100% attendance presentation when each class will have a special draw where children can win a new storybook. We enter all children with 100% attendance and who have no more than 2 late arrivals to school. The attendance assembly an non-uniform daywill be on Tuesday 13th June. Children who have brought home a specail ticket can wear their own clothes on Tuesday.
Well done to the following classes for achieving 97% or more attendance this week:
- Year 2 - 98%
- Year 3 - 100%
- Year 4 - 99%
- Year 5 - 98%
This means that Year 3 and Year 4 have a non-uniform day on Friday 16th June. Well done everybody.
School Uniform
Please can we remind you that children should be wearing the following school uniform:
- grey / black trousers or skirts – no tracksuit bottoms
- red sweatshirt or cardigan or fleece
- white / red polo shirts
- PE Kit (which is plain white t-shirt / plain black shorts and PE daps or trainers)
We all look forward to seeing the children looking their best when they return in June.
Sports Day
The date for this year’s sports day has changed and now will be on Monday 19th June. Years Reception - Y2 in the morning and Years 3-6 in the afternoon.
CTK Safeguarding Team
Here is our Safeguarding Team if you have any concerns about a child’s safety, although you can of course speak to any staff member iof you have a concern.
Cooking Course for Parents
At the end of June we have a visitor coming in to cook with parents. There are 3 sessions which will cover the ‘Eatwell Plate’, portion size and healthy eating / healthy options. There are a limited number of places and if you would be interested please let Joanne Selway know. These sessions will run for 3 weeks on a Friday morning from 30th June from 9am - 11am.
Headteacher Awards
The Headteacher assembly will be at 9am on Tuesday 13th June and the following will be receiving the Headteacher’s certificate:
Kaleb (YR), Rosa (Y1), Emmanuel (Y2), Kenzie, Bosadee, Gracie S and Terry (Y3), Ellie and Josh (Y6).
Key dates for Diaries
- 26th - 30th June - Summer Book Fair - more details follow
- 15th June - Year 6 Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral
- Sunday 18th June - First Holy Communion
- Monday 19th June - Sports Day
- 28th June - Colston Hall Choir Concert for Year 4 and 5
- 29th June - Mass for St Peter & Paul
- Friday 21st July - End of Term 6
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon