Dear Parents/Carers,
Firstly a reminder that we have an INSET Day (staff training) on Monday 24th April. This means that the children will return to school on Tuesday 25th April.
New School Entrance
Great news…….the new school entrance can be used from Tuesday 25th April! The main double gates and new smaller gate towards the new canopy will be opened each day from 8.25am. These gates will then be closed and locked during the day from 9am until 3pm. If you require access to the school during the day please use the intercom.
Any child who attends breakfast club will enter the school through the gate with the intercom.
The bike shed will now be back in use and will be unlocked when the main double gates open at 8.25am.
Lent collection
Thank you for your kind generosity during this term’s lent collection. We have raised £1,600 which will be split between the 3 different charities, the CAFOD Big Fish campaign, The Little Princess Trust and Comic Relief.
Easter at Church of Christ the King
Good Friday - Liturgy 3pm 14th April
Easter Vigil - 8pm Saturday 15th April
Easter Masses - Parish Mass 10am Sunday 16th April and Evening Mass 6.30pm Sunday 16th April.
First Response
First Response - 01179036444
Anyone can ring First Response if they are concerned about a child or young person or if they think they need support.
First Response can help in different ways including:
- Providing information, advice and guidance about services to help families.
- Making a referral to the Early Heal team who can provide support to children, young people and families
- Making a referral a social work team.
Together we’ll make sure the help we provide is the right help.
Attendance - Well Done!
Thank you all for the much improved attendance since Christmas. It’s made a really positive difference in class and is helping the children make even better progress in school. We will have lots of children celebrating 100% attendance when we come back in term 5.
Well done to the following classes for achieving 97% or more attendance this week:
- Reception - 98%
- Year 2 - 99%
- Year 5 - 99%
This mean that Year 2 and Year 5 will have a non-uniform day on the 28th April.
Key dates for Diaries
- Monday 24th April - INSET DAY - School closed to all pupils
- Tuesday 25th April - Start of Term 5
- w/c 8th May 2017 - Y6 SATs week
- Friday 26th May 2017 - End of Term 5
- Monday 5th June - INSET DAY - school closed to all pupils
- Tuesday 6th June - Start of Term 6
- 9th - 12th June - Year 6 camp to Manor Adventure
- 15th June - Year 6 Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral
- 28th June - Colston Hall Choir Concert for Year 4 and 5
- Friday 21st July - End of Term 6
We wish you a peaceful and happy Easter and look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 25th April.
Matt Condon, Headteacher