Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you all had a good week’s holiday as we come into the final term for this year.
Final Staff Training Day
The last training day, when the school is closed, will be on Friday 8th July.
Old Phones and Tablets
We are looking into interesting ways in which we can use old technology to support learning in school. If you have an old tablet or mobile phone please pass them onto us so that we can use them in class.
Outstanding news for St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School
St. Bernadette Catholic Secondary School in Bristol is celebrating the outcome of its recent Religious Diocesesean inspection, where the school was judged as Outstanding.
Summer Book Fair
The Book Fair will be in school from Monday 20th June - Friday 25th June. More details nearer the time.
Sports Day
Sports Day will take place on the 27th June at The Park – more details to follow.
School Blog
There are lots of new posts on our school blog, which can be found on:
This blog features lots of photographs of life in school and will be updated on a regular basis.
Recent posts include:
· Year 3 Outdoor Experience Day to the Mendips
· Morning Football Club
· Time Travel Writing
· Art Club
Thanks to Reception Parents
Recently we invited parents of children in Reception to come in and hear the children tell the story of ‘the Hungry Caterpillar’. Can I thank all parents, as we had an amazing 100% attendance.
Christ the King Culture Day – A message from Ope in Year 6
When we dig deeper into the culture hidden in Christ the King, we discover that we have a wide range of children from many different cultures. Because of this, we have decided to celebrate these different cultures by putting on a day called Culture Day. Culture Day will be on Wednesday 6th July – the day where we all learn about different countries, cultures and traditions. More details will be shared soon.
Extended School Clubs – Breakfast and After School
Thank you for those parents who have expressed an interest in the extended school clubs. A letter will be sent home to those parents with more information. If you would be interested in the extended club and have not yet registered your interest, please contact Kath Roberts in the School Office.
Lost property
There is a lot of lost property in the school. It will be placed outside today and Monday, please come and look for any items that might belong to your child.
Hot Weather
Now that we have seen the sun over the last couple of days, please can I remind you that children should have sunscreen applied before they come to school. It is also important that children bring water bottles into school each day.
Celebration Assembly
The next Celebration Assembly will be on Monday 13th June at 9am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher's Award: Megan (Y2), Eryk (Y3), Logan G (Y4)
Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!
There were no classes this week who achieved over 97% attendance this week.
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 15th June - Year 2 Trip to Savernake Forest
Thursday 16th June - KS2 watching England Football
Friday 17th June - Queens 90th Birthday ‘Street Party’ celebration
Monday 20th June - Book Fair week (further details to follow)
Sunday 26th June - First Holy Communion
Monday 27th June - Sports Day
Thursday 30th June - Year 4 Trip to Kenfig Beach
Thursday 7th July - Year 5 Trip to Malverns
Friday 8th July - INSET Day (school closed)
Friday 15th July - Year 6 Mini Market
Friday 22nd July - End of Term 6
Monday 5thSeptember - Start on new school year
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon