Dear Parents and Carers,
Water Bottles
Please remember to send your child to school with a water bottle each day. Please remember that bottles should only be filled with water, juice and fizzy drinks should not be brought into school.
Please note that the school will be closed on Monday 23rd May 2020 for staff training
Lent Fundraising Events
As you know we have now started our Lent Fundraising Events, which will be running from now until the end of this term.
We started today with our cake sale, and have already started to raise lots of money.
Events for the rest of term are as follows:
- Movie Afternoon - Infants on Thursday 31st March & Juniors on Friday 1st April - We are asking for a £1 donation
- Easter Egg Raffle - Friday 8th April - Children can start buying tickets NOW at a cost of 20p each and the raffle will be announced on the last day of term.
- Break the Rules Day - Friday 8th April - More details to follow
We will be raising money for the following charities, and thank you all for your support in helping these worthy causes:
- Refuge - for women and children against domestic violence
- The Ukrainian Refugee crisis
Well done to the following classes who have achieved 97% or more attendance this week:
- Year 1 with 98% attendance.
- Year 5 with 98% attendance.
- Year 5R with 100% attendance.
- Year 6 with 99% attendance.
This means that Year 5R and Year 6 will have non uniform days. Their teachers will decide on which day and inform you all via text.
Thank you for your continued support in helping us to improve attendance.
Breakfast Club
As you may know we run a daily Breakfast Club for our pupils. Breakfast Club runs daily from 8am and is a great opportunity for children to have a healthy breakfast and socialise with their friends before school. Not only is Breakfast Club great for socialising and promoting healthy eating habits, it can also greatly benefit children’s attendance and behaviour. For pupils from Reception-Year 6, Breakfast Club is just £1 per day, and doors are open for breakfast until 8.20am (children arriving after this time will miss food service). If you would like to book a space at Breakfast Club, you can do this using the School Gateway app.
If you have a nursery aged child and would like further information about a space at Breakfast Club, please contact the school office.
Headteachers Awards
The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page.
Reception -
- Korey for being a team player and for being such a lovely friend to others by making sure his friends are OK if they are upset.
Year 1 -
- Jessica - For working hard on her pace and presentation when completing her work this week. Her retelling of Jaspers Beanstalk was super!
Year 2 -
- Year 2 - For their fantastic behaviour and enthusiasm whilst representing our school at Brunel’s SS Great Britain. We are so proud of them all.
Year 3 -
- Rubie- For being absorbed in her work and showing great determination in all her subjects. Keep up the amazing work, Rubie!
Year 4 -
- Joey- for consistently applying himself with a great attitude towards his work. Joey always contributes to class discussions and thinks deeply about the questions he is asked.
Year 5 -
- Mason - For managing his distractions and focusing on his stitching in design and technology..
- Harmony - For her brilliant determination and initiative when learning how to sew. She successfully sewed her Mother’s Day card without any assistance!
Year 6 -
- Gabriel - for responding superbly to feedback and producing an absolutely fantastic newspaper report!
Dates for Diaries
- Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4
- Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5
- Monday 9th May 2022 - SATs Week
- Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5
- Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6
- Friday 1st July - INSET Day
- Thursday 21 July 2022 - End of the school year
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon