Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s only our second week back, but we are already noticing a vast improvement in school attendance. This week, we have THREE classes who have achieved over 97% attendance. A huge WELL DONE to:
- Nursery - 98%
- Year 1 - 99%
- Year 4 - 97%
- Year 6 - 99%
We would like to thank parents and carers for working with us to continue to improve attendance at school. Being in school every day, and arriving on time, is vital to your child’s education and we look forward to seeing more classes become attendance champions in the coming weeks.
To encourage excellent attendance we are going to reintroduce special non-uniform days when classes get 99 or 100% attendance. This means that Year 1 and Year 6 will get special non-uniform days soon. The teachers will decide which day and send out a text to parents to let you all know.
Summer Chill
We are looking at the possibility of running an all day Chill Club for two weeks across the summer holiday period.
The sessions would run from 10am - 3pm and would be available to any children in Reception - Year 5.
Dates and costs for these sessions are yet to be confirmed, however if you think this is something your child would like to take part in, please contact the school office to register your interest.
Family Support
Bristol City Council’s Cabinet has approved the rollout of the Household Support Fund to support residents most in need over the winter period. This will be allocated to households on “Housing Benefits or Council Tax Reduction Scheme. Eligible residents will receive a one-off £100 supermarket voucher to spend on food/house-hold goods. FSM vouchers will be available in Feb 2022 half term. See BCC website for more details —
Headteachers Awards
The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page.
- Nova for independently writing the words ‘sheep, shop, shell and cat’ during her choosing time using her phonic sounds - well done Nova!
- Kodi for having a great first week in Reception and getting stuck into his learning!
Year 1 -
- Phoebe - for exploring the creative paint tools to draw a self portrait using the Ipad - fantastic attention to detail!
Year 2 -
- Phoebe - For using commas in a list when writing a sentence to describe ‘Mother Gorilla’.
Year 3 -
- Cody- For his research skills and curiosity when exploring an atlas for the first time this week.
- Liliana- For being absorbed in maths and tackling her work with determination. It has been wonderful to see her confidence grow.
Year 4-
- Jenson- for the fantastic progress you have made in maths this week. You have been measuring accurately and changing cm into mm independently.
Year 5 -
- Tianna - for persevering and searching for her own solutions - moving herself from 'red' to 'orange' to 'green' over the week.
Year 6 -
- Cienna - for your perseverance and determination to succeed in fractions and percentages this week. You have been a superstar!
Uniform Reminder
We would like to politely remind parents and carers that children should be coming to school in the appropriate uniform.
Children should wear the following uniform:
- Plain black shoes or trainers
- grey / black trousers or skirts – no leggings or tracksuit bottoms
- red sweatshirt or cardigan or fleece
- white / red polo shirts
- PE Kit (which is plain white t-shirt / plain black shorts and PE daps or trainers)
Booking and Paying for School Clubs
As you know we currently run a Breakfast Club and various afterschool activities for pupils.
We would like to remind you that, where possible, these clubs should be booked and paid for using the School Gateway app.
This term, we have had a number of parents booking clubs through the school office, and while this is okay from time to time, it means that payments for these sessions are often not being made in a timely manner. Whilst we want to ensure that all of our pupils have the opportunity to attend our clubs, we cannot guarantee spaces in sessions if payment has not been made.
If you are still having difficulties accessing the School Gateway App, or have any other concerns about booking onto, or paying for school clubs, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to support you with this.
After School Clubs
A reminder of our new after school clubs:
- Wednesday Years 3-5 - Basketball
- Wednesday Year 5 - Art (every fortnight - see below for further details)
- Thursday Years 1 and 2 - Multi Sports (focussing on balls skills, including Netball & Basketball)
- Friday Year 6 - Archery
These clubs are being offered as part of paid after school provision, which is £2 for clubs until 4pm. Please book as soon as possible, to guarantee your child’s place. If you would like your child to attend Chill, after their club, the total charge is £3.50. Your child can then attend Chill until 4:30pm.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 8th February - Safer Internet Day
Friday 18 February 2022 - End of term 3
Monday 28th February 2022 - Start of Term 4
Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4
Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5
Monday 9th May 2022 - SATs Week
Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5
Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6
Thursday 21 July 2022 - End of the school year
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon