Friday, 26 February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

INSET (Staff Training Day)

The school will be closed on Monday 19th April for a staff training day.

Return to School

As you will now all know, the government has announced that all children will be returning  to school on March 8th. We are now in the process of planning for this return, considering any updated health and safety guidance, as well as planning for the best reintegration of all children back into the classroom. 

We are really looking forward to seeing everybody in school soon and our focus will be on planning this return as safely as possible. We will be sharing details of our plans in this and next week's newsletter...

School Uniform

As we prepare for everybody to return to school can I remind you that all children should be wearing the following school uniform:

  • PLAIN BLACK shoes or trainers
  • grey / black trousers or skirts – no tracksuit bottoms, or leggings
  • red sweatshirt or cardigan or fleece
  • white / red polo shirts
  • PE Kit (which is plain white t-shirt / plain black shorts and PE daps or trainers)

Our school uniform suppliers have recently moved and can now be found at:







A Reminder of start and end of day times

We expect these arrangements to continue when all children return on March 8th.

Online Learning Next Week

Next week all staff will be working together to prepare for all children returning to school on the 8th March. Although online learning will continue until this date our Teaching Assistants may not be able to respond to questions or feedback to work as quickly as usual on certain days.

COVID Safety and Start and End of the Day

Please can we ask parents and carers to not congregate in groups when dropping off and collecting their children and unless you have a valid reason always wear a face mask. This is to protect our school community. Thank you.

Return to School - Breakfast and After School Clubs

Although the government has announced a return of breakfast and afterschool clubs we can not safely staff these clubs whilst keeping children and staff COVID safe. 

Therefore we will only be able to provide breakfast or after club support where it is absolutely essential. 

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Surveys

Bristol City Council are asking children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and their parents and carers to share their views about the services in Bristol. Your feedback will help us to improve SEND services. All those taking part will have the opportunity to be entered into a draw to win one of two £10 ‘Love to Shop’ vouchers that can be spent online or in store at more than 20,000 shops, restaurants and attractions. The surveys have been co-designed with Bristol’s Parent Carer Forum and the Supportive Parents service. Each survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. The survey is live until the 5 March The results will be published on Bristol’s SEND Local Offer website in the summer term. 

Visit the website for more information: 

Click here to take part in the parent carer survey Click here to take part in the children and young people’s survey Thank you for your support. 

Headteacher’s Awards

Year 1 -  

  • Manna - For working exceptionally hard on her reading and making great progress.
  • Lily R - For continuing to work exceptionally hard at home on her home learning tasks.

Year 2 -  

  • Filip - Super work in numeracy.  Always ready for the next challenge.
  • Justin - For incredible work in our numeracy lessons and for his enthusiastic approach to Numbots.
  • Summer - For her enthusiasm when reading with her friend and Mrs Gray in a reading intervention zoom meeting.
  • Bethany - For meeting with her friend and Mrs Gray in a reading intervention zoom meeting.

Year 3 - 

  • Jenson- For using fantastic expression in his reading.
  • Preya- For coming back to school with brilliant enthusiasm and trying her best with her learning. 

Year 4 -

  • Ayla, Miley, Lila and Awele - For the whole of lockdown learning, these four girls have been absolutely incredible. You have made us feel very proud with your motivation and interest in the work we have set. You have listened to all of the instructions and been very respectful to the adults who are helping you. The quality of work that you have uploaded has been really high and you have connected with your friends nearly every day.

Year 5 -  

  • Deniro - for figuring out his fraction facts! 
  • Taylor - for his super positive attitude to his learning (and smashing equivalent fractions!)
  • Emily W - for her attention to detail when producing her endangered elephant poster

Year 6

  • Nicola - for showing enthusiasm and confidence with her writing. Any opportunity to continue and improve her story, Nicola has grasped with both hands - well done!
  • Olly - for always boosting 

Dates for Diaries

  • End of Term 4 - Thursday 1 April 2021.

  • World Book Day - Thursday 4th March

  • INSET - Monday 19th April.

  • Term 5 - Term 5 starts Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.

  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021.

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Dear parents and carers,

As you will now all know, the government has announced that all children will be returning to school on Monday March 8th. We are now in the process of planning for this return, considering any updated health and safety guidance, as well as planning for the best reintegration of all children back into the classroom.

We are really looking forward to seeing everybody in school soon and our focus will be on planning this return as safely as possible. We will be sharing details of our plans in newsletters over the next couple of weeks.

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon


Friday, 12 February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you all for your friendship and support during this challenging time. There have been some real positives, including watching our children grow in confidence and independence whilst looking after each other. We hope you all have a safe and restful half term break.

Thanks to everybody for an amazing first term of Nursery of Christ the King

Although we have all had the challenge of another school lockdown, our new nursery class has opened and it is amazing!

Firstly can I thank our amazing team of Miss Griffiths and Miss Harvey in the classroom, Miss Stokes and Mrs Norris who support the children at lunch and Mrs Jordan who has planned such a positive opening.

The children have been amazing, have settled into their new routines and brought a new sense of excitement and joy to our school community.

But in particular can I thank our nursery parents and carers. We have worked really successfully with parents to give as many children as possible access to the new nursery, whilst keeping children and adults as safe as possible. Parents and carers have been flexible and understanding which has helped us greatly over the last term.

Thank you all so much and welcome again to the family of Christ the King.

New children's mental health website for parents and teachers

HappyMaps website is a single hub of reliable, up-to-date and professional advice on mental health problems in children and young people. It covers many common problems including anxiety, self-harm, tics, gender dysphoria, ADHD, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and much more. It also has a pre-school section for issues such as sleep, behaviour, and fussy eating.

The website has already had over 56,000 users so far, with great feedback from parents, teachers, doctors and others working with young people.  Resources are continually updated and we have added new pages such as “Best Apps for Mental Health” and “Mental Health during Covid ”. Although the website is aimed at parents, we have recently also added a “Self-help page for Young People” and a “Professionals” section with resources for teachers.

HappyMaps is a charity and has just received funding through The National Lottery Community Fund. This will see the website expand further and be adapted in response to parent feedback-we are particularly keen to reach parents from all communities.

Possible Reopening Date

As many of you will know, the government has identified the 8th March as a possible date for more children to return to school. They have stated that they will set out plans on the 22nd February and we will update you as soon as possible afterwards. 

As before, it is possible that some classes begin to return on this date, but not all.

Home Learning Links on the School Website

Mrs Buckland and Mr Prichard have added a number of very useful links to support English and Maths. These can be found on the school website, under the Home Learning tab.

Reading Book Exchange On Mondays

This is continuing whilst in lockdown . Please keep to within your slots as much as possible to enable social distancing. 

New times are: 

  • Years R, 1 and 2 -       9.15-10.30
  • Years  3,4,5 and 6 -      11.00-12.15   Monday morning 

Please bring your child’s /children’s book bags and Miss Wakeford or Mrs  Martin will match and exchange the books.

World Book Day Thursday 4th March - Theme of Sharing Stories.

Although we will still be in lockdown, we will be celebrating this in school and through our home online learning links. 

The local Author and illustrator Karen George, who celebrated with us last year, has designed our very own ‘sharing stories ‘ reading activity sheet. This will be made available online or a sheet can be collected from the book exchange taking place on Monday 1st March. She will be joining our celebration, virtually, on World Book Day which is on Thursday 4th March.

A Guide to using Time tables Rockstars and Numbots (a more extensive guide can be found on the school website under home learning)

Time tables Rockstars (TTRS )is a brilliant programme to support your child learning their times tables. Children in Years 3 to 6 use this regularly in school and just 5 minutes a day, if your child is at home, would go a long way towards improving their maths skills. Your child will have a rockstar name and an avatar to personalise. When your child first started the programme it assessed their ability level and set them a series of ‘gigs’ (1 minute of quick fire tables questions). They will move through the tables from the easiest (10s and 2s) to the most difficult. 

Time Table Rock Star BATTLE

Every Wednesday at 1:35pm we will be having a Rockstars BATTLE. This is not only brilliant fun for children and staff, but a link to connect our pupils both at home and in school. It is currently Girls vs Boys and the top 3 in each group will receive a certificate.  

Numbots (Log in details are the same for TTRS and Numbots)

This is a programme for younger children (Reception to Yr2) focusing on the addition and subtraction of numbers to 20. The children follow the programme through with the help of a series of robots.

Headteacher’s Awards

Reception - 

  • Phoebe for working really hard doing her home learning and for counting lots of household objects to 28!

Year 1 -  

  • Phoebe - for her fantastic, detailed portrait of Mr Condon. 
  • Mouhammad - for making a great effort to attend our class zooms regularly. 

Year 2 -  

  •             Leo - For having a fantastic attitude to his learning throughout term 3.
  •             Kian - For making a fantastic effort with his reading.
  •             Fritzhie -For always putting 100% effort in all her  home learning and producing work of a very high standard.

Year 3 - 

  • Sofia- For showing determination to improve her times table knowledge. Incredible progress in her TT Rockstar scores! 
  • Ellis- For coming back to school with brilliant enthusiasm and a positive attitude. 
  • Ella- For writing and illustrating an incredible information text. 

Year 4 -

  • Des’ Arai - For persevering with the routine of home learning, improving her skills using google classroom and for spreading so much joy during our shared zoom meetings- especially reading with Mrs Holmes. 

Year 5 -  

  • Chris - for storming through his Numbots programme 
  • Cienna - for managing her return to school brilliantly and trying out new things in the google classroom.
  • Missey - for working with Mrs Sims to develop strategies for beating fraction addition.

Year 6

  • Isabel - for your amazing Juilian Opie inspired artwork. You showed resilience and perseverance to achieve the look you wanted - well done!
  • Layla - Fantastic attendance on Zoom, high quality of work submitted and consistently improved work, following guidance - great job!

Dates for Diaries

End of Term 3 - Friday 12 February 2021.

Term 4 - Monday 22 February 2021 to Thursday 1 April 2021.

World Book Day - Thursday 4th March

Term 5 - Monday 19 April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.

Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Friday, 5 February 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

Safer Internet Day

Next Tuesday (9th) is Safer Internet Day. This is a great opportunity for children in school and at home to learn more about how to use the internet safely. This year's theme is ‘exploring reality in the online world’. 

Please visit the UK Safer Internet Centre for more information for parents and carers -

Also, just a reminder that the following information can be found via the school website (

  • NSPCC - Speak out. Stay Safe.
  • Think you know
  • Childline
  • Domestic abuse advice
  • Internet safety
  • First Response contact details 

Welcome to our New Academic Mentors

The Academic Programme is a new national programme focussed on giving children high quality support and tuition in schools during this pandemic. I would like to welcome our first Academic Mentor, Miss Garrett, who has started working in Year 4. Miss Owers will be joining us after the holiday and will start off by working in Year 3. Our Academic Mentors will be supporting children in school and those learning at home.

Home Learning Links on the School Website

Mrs Buckland and Mr Prichard have added a number of very useful links to support English and Maths. These can be found on the school website, under the Home Learning tab.

Lockdown Home Reading

From Monday, and then every Monday, school reading books can be exchanged for new ones. Please arrive at the reception entrance within your year group time slot and ring the bell. Remember to socially distance and wear face masks, should there be a queue.

We ask you to use your child’s current reading bag to transport them to and from school : this will enable us to establish a full exchange and match books accordingly.

Please place returned books in the collection boxes ready for quarantine. A selection of new books can then be handed out by Mrs Martin or Miss Wakeford. 

  • 9.30-10am - Reception
  • 10-10.30am - Years 1 and 2
  • 11:15-11.45am - Years 3 and 4
  • 12am -12.20pm - Years 5 and 6

If you are unsure of using this option or require more texts in the week, there are many books available online. These are found on the classroom google account for your child.

Zoom Meetings

For everybody to get the most out of zoom meetings, can we ask that families avoid too much background noise. We do understand that this can be very tricky, but if we can avoid things like television noise or alarms beeping, it would be very much appreciated. 

A Guide to using Time tables Rockstars and Numbots (a more extensive guide can be found on the school website under home learning)

Time tables Rockstars (TTRS )is a brilliant programme to support your child learning their times tables. Children in Years 3 to 6 use this regularly in school and just 5 minutes a day, if your child is at home, would go a long way towards improving their maths skills. Your child will have a rockstar name and an avatar to personalise. When your child first started the programme it assessed their ability level and set them a series of ‘gigs’ (1 minute of quick fire tables questions). They will move through the tables from the easiest (10s and 2s) to the most difficult. 

Time Table Rock Star BATTLE

Every Wednesday at 1:35pm we will be having a Rockstars BATTLE. This is not only brilliant fun for children and staff, but a link to connect our pupils both at home and in school. It is currently Girls vs Boys and the top 3 in each group will receive a certificate.  

Numbots (Log in details are the same for TTRS and Numbots)

This is a programme for younger children (Reception to Yr2) focusing on the addition and subtraction of numbers to 20. The children follow the programme through with the help of a series of robots.

Languages in School

Recently we reviewed many characteristics of our school community. It was fascinating to find out that we have 25 different languages spoken by children and parents within our school. We know that this incredible diversity gives our children the opportunity to learn so much about each others lives, cultures and beliefs - as always focusing on the Gospel values that bind us.

Headteacher’s Awards

Reception -

  • Lilanna for working hard to do her home learning enthusiastically.
  • Nicole for doing some amazing writing and for using phonic resources to help her.

Year 1 -  

  • Lily B - For being an amazing support to her friends in class and helping them during a science lesson.
  • Kamil - For continuing to complete lots of work at home even when he is finding it hard to motivate himself and producing a fantastic boat out of playdough linked to our story of Mr Gumpy’s outing, brilliant detail!

Year 2 -  

  • Matty - For making his own picture of Starry Night by Van Gogh.
  • Kevin - For working so hard to improve his comprehension skills when reading and for showing an interest in reading non-fiction books.
  • Ralf - For his confidence to read aloud  to the children in class.
  • Hadi - For trying so hard to engage in our home learning.

Year 3 - 

  • Frankie- For joining in with all of Mrs Miller’s phonics lessons on Zoom. Fantastic work!
  • Joey- For always completing his home learning and sharing photos of his work with us on Google Classroom. 
  • Gavin- For a fantastic improvement in his presentation. Gavin has written a brilliant poem using interesting vocabulary to describe his magic unicorn. 

Year 4 -

  • Miley- For completing and sharing a range of home learning work including: beautifully presented maths, fantastic illustrations for wider curriculum activities and for always connecting with her friends and teachers on zoom meetings. 

Year 5 -  

  • Gracie - for asking for help when she needed it, for listening to the advice and then using that to solve her fractions problems.
  • Marley - for his enthusiastic return to the google classroom and his focus on seeing things through. 
  • Deniro and Reggie for independently producing amazing animal fact files.

Year 6

  • Ruby and Jayden - for independently producing amazing animal fact files. 
  • Anastasia  - for always being so diligent with her learning. She sets the best example of hard work and focus to all her classmates.
  • Emmanuel - for consistent engagement, both on zoom and the Google classroom. He takes onboard feedback and is communicating well - great job!

Dates for Diaries

  • End of Term 3 - Friday 12 February 2021.
  • Term 4 - Monday 22 February 2021 to Thursday 1 April 2021.
  • World Book Day - Thursday 4th March
  • Term 5 - Monday 19 April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
  • Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Monday, 1 February 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

Lockdown Home Reading 

As from next Monday, and then every Monday, school reading books can be exchanged for new ones. Please arrive at the reception entrance within your year group time slot and ring the office bell.

We ask you to use your child’s current reading bag to transport them to and from school : this will enable us so as to establish a full exchange and match books accordingly.

Please place returned books in the collection boxes ready for quarantine. A selection of new books can then be handed across by Mrs Martin or Miss Wakeford. 

  • 9.30-10am - Reception
  • 10-10.30am - Years 1 and 2
  • 11:15-11.45am - Years 3 and 4
  • 11am -12.15pm - Years 5 and 6

If you are unsure of using this option or require more texts in the week there are many books available on line. These are found on the classroom google account for your child.

Zoom Assemblies - update

On Friday we had our second Zoom assembly. Again, it was a fantastic way of celebrating the success of children over the last week. To ensure the assembly is managed safely, we are only currently inviting classes in school, staff in school and children at home who have awards that week - if we have permission to do so.

This means that the children listed below can join the assembly next week.

To help us to manage these assemblies safely:

  • We will require permission via email if we do not already have it.
  • Can children use their real names on Zoom. Zoom does enable children to change their names, but this makes it difficult to know we are admitting the right person into the assembly.
  • Unfortunately those joining the assembly late, will not be admitted.
  • To avoid disrupting the assembly, please can every ensure they remain muted throughout. If we have participants who are unable to mute, we may have no choice but to remove them from the assembly. 

We have now started to share videos of the assemblies on Facebook, so you can all watch it and join the celebration! 

School Uniform

Our school uniform suppliers have recently moved and can now be found at:







Headteacher’s Awards

Reception -

  • Kiki for doing fantastic phonics and for being able to sound out the word ‘jacket’
  • Vicka for doing excellent home learning particularly in her phonics and decoding whole sentences such as ‘The hot sun’ well done Vicka!

Year 1 -  

  • Lyla - Firstly for being a tremendous reader, she is now on green level and secondly for mastering the complicated task of learning to tie her own shoe laces - she has persevered and kept on trying at home and in school  for weeks!
  • Matheo - for completing lots of his assignments at home including reading, art, completing lots of puzzles and for joining our class zoom!
  • Noah - for being super brave at home while he has been getting better after his operation. 

Year 2 -  

  • David - For super improved reading and moving up through our reading levels.
  • Lindsay - For a fantastic painting of one of the animals from our class story.
  • Shayne - For a fantastic picture of a giraffe.
  • Alfie - For making a good effort to take part in our classroom zoom meetings.

Year 3 - 

  • Zak- For completing all of his home learning and sharing photos of his wonderful work. Zak has also joined in enthusiastically with our daily Zoom meetings.
  • Conrad- For persevering with his joined handwriting and ensuring his letters are carefully and neatly formed. 

Year 4 -

  • Anta and Liliana - For consistent engagement and a positive attitude with the home learning.

Year 5 -  

  • Kaya - for listening to feedback and taking risks with words and sentence types to make her writing even more exciting.
  • Emily Z - for seeing things through with maths and achieving great results with her fractions work.

Year 6

  • Astou - for responding to and acting on her online feedback for home learning. Her work is of the highest quality - well done!
  • Matylda - for being such an active member of our online community. Matylda is always the first on our Zoom meeting. She responds really well to feedback and always submits high quality work - great job!

Dates for Diaries

End of Term 3 - Friday 12 February 2021.

Term 4 - Monday 22 February 2021 to Thursday 1 April 2021.

Term 5 - Monday 19 April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.

Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021. 

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...