Dear Parents/Carers,
Places Available
The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.
IMPORTANT - Changes to Start of Day Procedures
To address certain issues and to make the start of the day safe but quicker for everybody, the following changes will take effect from Monday:
- There is now a 5 minute gap between classes in the morning.
- At the end of the day we are retaining a 10 minute gap for most classes. We hope to reduce this to 5 minutes ass oon as possible.
- At the end of the day, can parents collecting children from the car park exit not enter the drive until the previous class are leaving.
- All children will line up before their teacher allows them to leave with a parent or carer. Please can we ask you not to encourage children to leave before their teachers, as this makes it more difficult to manage the end of day safely.
- Can everybody remember to use the on-way system! Thank you.
Primary School Applications for a New Reception Place for September 2021
If your child was born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017 you'll need to apply for a new reception school place for September 2021. You'll need to apply by Wednesday 15 January 2020.
Apply online for a reception place for Sept 2021 at:
Please contact the school office if we can help in any way.
School Uniform
Can I remind you that all children should be wearing the following school uniform:
- PLAIN BLACK shoes or trainers
- grey / black trousers or skirts – no tracksuit bottoms, or leggings
- red sweatshirt or cardigan or fleece
- white / red polo shirts
- PE Kit (which is plain white t-shirt / plain black shorts and PE daps or trainers)
We continue to use S & H Workwear, 98 St Johns Lane, Bedminster.
New school nursery opening in January
Our new nursery is fully built and ready to be set up. We will be opening in January and still have places available for both 15 hour and 30 hour places. Please contact Mrs Jordan or Mrs Martin in the office for more information.
Government letter to share with parents on coronavirus (COVID-19) testing
Public Health England has produced a letter for schools and colleges to share with parents which explains when a child requires a coronavirus (COVID-19) test and what the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are.
Establishing Good Routines
As we all get back into the routine of regular school life it’s also important we all get enough sleep to be ready for the school day. In particular we are finding many children are unable to concentrate on a Monday due to late nights over the weekend. Please help us help our children by encouraging them to sleep well, especially before a day in school. Breakfast is very important and if your child is in KS2 we ask you to send them with a piece of fruit for tuck to keep them going. Thanks.
Well done to the following classes who had attendance at or over 97% this week:
- Year 2 - 98%
- Year 3 - 99%
- Year 5 - 97%
- Year 6 - 99%
Medical Needs and Risk Assessments
We have been planning very carefully for the needs of individual pupils with COVID specific risk assessments. If your child has medical needs that you feel the school does not know about or may need an update on please contact the school office so that we can update risk assessment for your child.
Headteacher’s Awards
Reception -
- Lily M - for joining in enthusiastically during phonics and for independently choosing to practice letters during play.
Year 1 -
- Harper L - For having a great attitude towards school, working hard to manage her emotions and always trying her best.
- Lianater - for always thinking carefully and sharing her wonderful ideas linked to a story we read in class.
Year 2 -
- Amber Lane - For trying so hard at the start of the school day.
- Brody - For trying hard to work independently in our numeracy lesson.
Year 3 -
- Reggie - Challenging himself to complete extra work at home. Reggie created a Stone Age booklet all about prehistoric homes and how they changed over time.
- Zack - Working hard to retell our class story using paragraphs and joined handwriting.
Year 4 -
- Cheyenne- for always being engaged in his learning and contributing to class discussions. His vocabulary choices this week for his descriptive writing were superb. His tray is always immaculately presented too!
Year 5 -
- Deniro - for smiling and using his resilience when learning about negative numbers.
- William - for collaborating with others through play at breaktimes.
- Omar - for showing empathy in the playground.
Year 6 -
- Roxanne - for completing her work efficiently each day and finding her own solutions.
- Imogen - for supporting Dylan and encouraging him with his maths work - well done!
- Freddie - for using excellent vocabulary in his English work and taking risks - great job!
Dates for Diaries
- End of Term 1- Friday 23 October 2020.
- Term 2 Monday 2 November 2020 to Friday 18 December 2020.
- Term 3 Monday 4 January 2021 to Friday 12 February 2021.
- Term 4 Monday 22 February 2021 to Thursday 1 April 2021.
- Term 5 Monday 19 April 2021 to Friday 28 May 2021.
- Term 6 - Monday 7 June 2021 to Wednesday 21 July 2021.
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon