Dear Parents/Carers,
Headteacher’s Awards
Monday’s Headteacher’s awards will go to: Tyron and Lianater(Rec), Viktor and Shayne (Yr 1), Zak (Yr2), Calvin and Jaiden (Yr3), Reggie (Yr4), Rubyleigh and Roxanne (Yr5) and Mikolaij and Courtnie (Yr 6).
School Uniform
Can I remind you that all children should be wearing the following school uniform:
- grey / black trousers or skirts – no tracksuit bottoms, or leggings
- red sweatshirt or cardigan or fleece
- white / red polo shirts
- PE Kit (which is plain white t-shirt / plain black shorts and PE daps or trainers)
We continue to use S & H Workwear, 98 St Johns Lane, Bedminster.
Well done to the following classes who got over 97% this week:-
Year 2 - 99%
Year 3 - 99%
Year 5 - 97%
This means that Year 2 will have a non-uniform day on Friday 14th February.
Breakfast Club
A reminder that Breakfast Club children are not supervised in school until 8am. If children arrive before 8am, please be aware that staff may not be around to look after your children.
Chill Time Klub
The school office is normally manned until 4pm. If there are no staff in the school office, it cannot be guaranteed that the phone will be answered. Also, if parents / carers arrive before 4.30pm, please ring the bell, however staff may not be available to answer and you may have to wait until 4.30pm when the children are dismissed.
Reception Reading
Miss Letherby would like to invite parents and carers of Reception Children to come in and read with them on Wednesday mornings at the start of the school day each week (8.40 - 9am).
Key dates
11th February - Parents Evening
12th February - Parents Evening
17th February - 21st February - School Holiday
5th March - World Book Day
13th March - Red Nose Day
6th April - 17th April - School Holiday
22nd April - Year 2 SS Great Britain
25th May - 29th May - School Holiday
5th June - 8th June - Year 6 Manor Adventure Camp
6th July - INSET Day
20th July - 31st August - School Holiday
10th - 11th September - Year 3 & 4 Barton Camp
27th - 29th January - Year 5 Deanfield Camp
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon