Friday, 15 February 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,
Diocesan Inspection
This week the school was visited by two inspectors, for two days, looking at Religious Education and the Catholic life of the school. Can I thank you all so much for filling in the feedback forms and to those parents who were able to meet the inspectors. We will be sending home the full report when it is published in Term 4.
Summer Chill Time Klub
Summer Chill Time Klub will run again during the summer holiday.  The ‘Klub’ will be open on w/c 29th July and 5th August.   If you would like to book your child into the Klub please telephone the school office.
Reading Volunteers
To give children even more opportunities to read regularly, we are planning to create a Christ the King Team of Reading Volunteers. We are planning to offer volunteers training and support so that they can help children’s reading improve. If you are interested, and are able to offer some time on a regular basis, please contact the school office and Miss Gaunt will make contact to give you more information.
To encourage children to be on time for school and for parents/carers to collect children on time (3.15pm), we will be sending a polite text message as a reminder where there is a concern. 
Cosmos Choir
Cosmos Choir will be performing at St George’s concert hall, just off Park Street, on 14th March.
Dates for Diaries
18th February - 22nd February - School holiday
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
Thursday 14th March - Cosmos Choir performing at St George’s, Bristol.
8th April - 22nd April - School holiday
Thursday 25th April - Year 2 Trip to SS Great Britain
Wb 13th May - Year 6 SATs week
27th May - 31st May - School holiday
7th June - 10th June - Year 6 Camp to Manor Adventure
22nd & 23rd July - Inset Days
24th July 2019 - 30th August - School Holiday
w/c 29th July - Summer Chill Time Klub
w/c 5th August - Summer Chill Time Klub
Monday 2nd September 2019 - Start of academic year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,
Green Team
We are the Green Team and we are letting you know that in our school we are focusing on recycling and plastics by checking rooms, recycling pens and creating Eco Bricks. This term we are inspecting classrooms weekly by checking recycling boxes to encourage recycling and turning off lights to save electricity when rooms are not in use. The best classes will receive a certificate and the classes that need to improve will have a spoon for the week so it can remind them that they need to turn off the lights and recycle correctly. Also we have made a pen recycling box so everyone can now recycle pens which no longer work because we want them to be used to make new pens instead of ending up in a landfill site or the ocean. During the year, we are creating Eco Bricks using plastics that cannot be recycled with the focus of them being used to create a small planting area.
Summer Chill Time Klub
Summer Chill Time Klub will run again during the summer holiday.  The ‘Klub’ will be open on w/c 29th July and 5th August.   If you would like to book your child into the Klub please telephone the school office.
Reading Volunteers
To give children even more opportunities to read regularly, we are planning to create a Christ the King Team of Reading Volunteers. We are planning to offer volunteers training and support so that they can help children’s reading improve. If you are interested, and are able to offer some time on a regular basis, please contact the school office and Miss Gaunt will make contact to give you more information.
Great attendance this week. Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97%:
Year 4 - 98%
Year 5 - 97%
To encourage children to be on time for school and for parents/carers to collect children on time (3.15pm), we will be sending a polite text message as a reminder where there is a concern. 
Cosmos Choir
Cosmos Choir will be performing at St George’s concert hall, just off Park Street, on the 14th March.
Paediatric First Aid
A Paediatric first aid course is being held at Filwood Community Centre.  Please contact Lucy on 07788353446.
Leave of Absence During Term Time
We must remind all parents that the Headteacher CANNOT authorise any leave of absence during term time unless for exceptional circumstances.  Any requests must be made in writing on a form available from the school office and must be made at least ten days before leave is due to commence.  Any leave taken that has not been considered exceptional will be recorded as unauthorised.  There will be two unauthorised absences recorded for each day - morning and afternoon.  If there are eight or more unauthorised absences recorded within a ten week period, the school can issue a penalty notice.  This will be £60 per child for each parent, meaning a possible penalty charge of £120 per child.
We appreciate that holidays taken during term time can be much cheaper than those taken during the school holidays but we have a legal responsibility to ensure that every child is attending school and receiving their education.
Medical Appointments
The start and end of the school day is very important and it has become noticeable that children are being collected early for different appointments. Please can you make these appointments for out of school hours.
When there is an unavoidable appointment, we will request evidence to authorise the absence.
Year 6 SATs Week
Year 6 SATs tests will take place from Monday 13th May - Friday 17th May 2019.  These are statutory tests and parents/carers should avoid any family holidays during the month of May.
Friday Morning Coffee Time
Mrs Selway is now hosting informal drop-in sessions each Friday morning. This time will enable parents/carers to meet up and perhaps seek support and advice. Mrs Selway can offer advice and also provide links to other organisations who offer support. If you have a worry of any kind, or just would like to have a chat with other parents and carers  - pop in!
Children Walking to and from School Safely
All children in the infants MUST be collected by an adult known to the school.
If your child is in the Juniors please inform the school office if they are allowed walk to or from school alone.
It is recommended by the government for the safeguarding of children that they do not walk home alone from school until they are 10 years old.
Following this guidance the school strongly recommends only children in Year 5 & 6 walk to or from school alone. Younger children are at risk even if they are walking short distances alone.
A list will be given to school staff indicating if your child can walk alone, should you decide to change these arrangements it is your responsibility to inform the school office.
Please DO NOT park on the zigzag lines as this causes danger to the children when crossing the road.
These lines (including the loading bay) are enforceable and this week a camera car went past the school at the end of the day so if you were parked in the loading bay you may be issued with a fine. This means that Bristol City Council are using mobile cameras to photograph vehicles that are parked illegally and will be issuing fines. We have been asked to contact the enforcement department with details of vehicles parked (or stopping) illegally.
Head teacher awards
Head teacher awards for Monday 11th February:- Angelica (R), Ellis and Kalvin (Y1), Calvin and Freya (Y2), Gabriel (Y3), Casey-Leigh and Ellis  (Y4) Mikolaj, Gracie S. Lewis and Gracie-Mae H (Y5), Christiana (Y6).
Dates for Diaries
18th February - 22nd February - School holiday
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
Thursday 14th March - Cosmos Choir performing at St George’s, Bristol.
8th April - 22nd April - School holiday
Thursday 25th April - Year 2 Trip to SS Great Britain
Wb 13th May - Year 6 SATs week
27th May - 31st May - School holiday
7th June - 10th June - Year 6 Camp to Manor Adventure
22nd & 23rd July - Inset Days
24th July 2019 - 30th August - School Holiday
w/c 29th July - Summer Chill Time Klub
w/c 5th August - Summer Chill Time Klub
Monday 2nd September 2019 - Start of academic year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...