Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. We hope you all had a really good summer break and it was great to see all the children today looking smart in their school uniform and ready for learning. We thank you all for your support.
As this is the first newsletter of the school year we would like to remind you all of some important matters:
Attendance and Punctuality
Although there were some noticeable improvements in punctuality last year, overall still too many children are arriving late and missing learning at the start of the school day. If a children is late on a regular basis, and so missing crucial learning (e.g reading lessons) then we will organise for additional catch-up time in break or lunch. We are doing this to ensure all children keep up with their peers, are given every opportunity to succeed and obviously to encourage children not to be late.
Poor Attendance in Term 1
Again, we had some success last year, but not enough. The number of children who are classified as ‘Persistent Absentees’ massively exceeds national levels. These are children with less than 90% attendance. At the end of last term we wrote to the parents of all children with attendance below 90%.
The vast majority of children have started today with 100% attendance which is fantastic! Today’s attendance was TBC.
However, to avoid any child’s attendance dropping below 90%, we will be monitoring attendance each day and contacting parents as soon as attendance drops below 95%. We will then request a meeting so that we can work together to ensure attendance does not deteriorate.
Holidays and Long Weekends - another reminder!
It is highly unlikely that the school is able to authorise an absence due to holiday. Absences can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
Due to government guidance, the school is expected to take action when children have 8 or more unauthorised sessions (4 days). This would normally be in the form of a fine of £60 per child per adult.
So where children have been on holiday in the current year or the previous year, or their attendance is low, it is very likely that we will issue a fine if there are 8 unauthorised sessions.
Can I remind you that children should not be taken out of school on Mondays or Fridays for long weekends (unless there are exceptional circumstances and it has been agreed in advance).
I promise that we do not want to issue fines, but will have no choice where authorised attendance falls below the expected level.
School term dates 2016-17
- Term 1 5/9/16 – 21/10/16
- Term 2 31/10/16 – 16/12/16
- Term 3 3/1/17 - 10/2/17
- Term 4 20/2/17 – 7/4/17
- Term 5 24/4/17 – 26/5/17
- Term 6 5/6/17 – 21/7/17
We will inform you of the dates for the other 3 staff training days as soon as they are known.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club has now started and will run everyday Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 8:40am. Children will not need to book they can just drop into the club. The cost will be £1.00 per session and they will need to pay this when they arrive at the club.
The club will need to stop serving breakfast at 8:20am to allow staff to tidy up before the start of the school day. Children are welcome to arrive in the club anytime from 8:00am to 8:40am however if they do arrive after 8:20am breakfast will not be offered.
Children will be offered toast and cereal for their breakfast.
This club is opening on a trial basis and will be reviewed at the end of the Autumn term.
Important Information Form
An important information form is coming home with your child tonight. We are updating the details we hold for you and your child - please complete and return to school by Friday 9th September so that we can update our system.
Again, thank you for your continuing support.
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon