Dear Parents and Carers,
A reminder that this term finishes on Wednesday 25th May as we have two staff training days. Term 6 will begin on Monday 6th June. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday.
School Blog
There are lots of new posts on our school blog which can be found on:
This blog features lots of photographs of life in school and will be updated on a regular basis.
Recent posts include:
· Time travel writing
· Art club
· Getting ready for Forest school
· Amazing writing in Reception
· Special Assembly for the feast of Pentecost
· Year 6 sharing their animations with Reception and Year 1
Extended School Clubs – Breakfast and After School (a last reminder as so far interest is low)
We are considering introducing a breakfast club and after school club. Firstly, we need to see if there is a need from parents for this childcare. There will be a cost per child to use these clubs, which we would keep to a minimum whilst covering costs. If you would be interested in using these clubs, please let Kath Roberts in the school office know.
Staff Training Days
We are planning to use the first two days of the new school year in September as staff training days. This means the new school year will start for children on Monday 5th September, 2016.
We still have one more training day to announce, which will be in the summer term. This will be announced very soon.
Lost property
There is a lot of lost property in the school. It will be placed outside today and Monday, please come and look for any items that might belong to your child.
Hot Weather
Now that we have seen the sun over the last couple of days, please can I remind you that children should have sunscreen applied before they come to school. It is also important that children bring water bottles into school each day.
Celebration Assembly
The next Celebration Assembly will be on Monday 16th May at 9am, where the following children will receive their Headteacher's Award: William (R), Isabel C (Y1), Skye R (Y1) , Marni-Rae (Y2), Frazer (Y3), Franciszek (Y4), Ellis (Y4), Amber (Y5) and Anthony (Y6)
Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!
Well done to the following class who had attendance at over 97% this week:
· Reception with 97%
Dates for Diaries
Thursday 26th May - INSET DAY
Friday 27th May - INSET DAY
Friday 27th May - End of Term 5
Monday 6th June - Start of Term 6
Sunday 26th June - First Holy Communion
Friday 22nd July - End of Term 6
Monday 5thSeptember - Start on new school year
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon