Friday, 29 April 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Remember that school is closed on Monday, due to the Bank Holiday.

Staff Training Days

We are planning to use the first two days of the new school year in September as staff training days. This means the new school year will start for children on Monday 5th September, 2016.

Stranger Danger

Following recent concerns in the local community, we have been sharing the stranger danger message with children in school:

Be aware of stranger danger and stay safe

• Never go off on your own with a stranger, take things from them or get in a car with them.
• Make sure you tell your parents where you are.
• If someone scares you, or makes you feel uncomfortable go somewhere safe, which could be your home, your school or a police station. Remember to tell someone what has happened straight away.

If you would like to discuss any other policing matters please contact your local policing team on 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

Please talk to your child and make sure they know the Stranger Danger rules.

Local Event

The Food Jam Hartcliffe event is being held on Thursday 5th May from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. 
This is a free event – all food and fun provided.        

Collecting Children Early

The end of the school day is very important and it has become noticeable that children are being collected early for different appointments. Please can you make these appointments for out of school hours.

Year 6 SATs Breakfast Club
The Year 6 children will have a Breakfast Club starting at 8am for the week of SATs tests from 9thMay.  In the past, this has proven to be good for the children and has helped them to get the best results possible. 


Please be considerate when parking your car to drop off or pick your child up from school and do not park in driveways of local residents.

Metro bus Construction works

We have been advised that the final layer of surface course tarmac on Creswicke Road and Inns Court Avenue will take place from Tuesday 3rd May and should be completed by Monday 9thMay.

Extended School Clubs – Breakfast and After School

I have not yet planned the details for a breakfast club and after school club but would like to find out from parents if you would be interested to use these facilities.  There will be a cost per child to use these clubs but again no costings have been made.  If you would be interested in using these clubs, please register your interest with Kath Roberts in the school office.

Payment of School Dinner Money

Please can I remind you that payment of school dinner money must be made in advance of the meals being eaten.

The menu for Tuesday’s hot lunch will be cheeseburger.

AN IMPORTANT REMINDER about Attendance – Holidays and Long Weekends

It is highly unlikely that the school is able to authorise an absence due to holiday. Absences can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.

Due to government guidance, the school is expected to take action when children have 8 or more unauthorised sessions (4 days). This would normally be in the form of a fine of £60 per child per adult.

So where children have been on holiday in the current year or the previous year, or their attendance is low, it is very likely that we will issue a fine if there are 8 unauthorised sessions.

Can I remind you, as the weather begins to improve, children should not be taken out of school on Mondays or Fridays for long weekends (unless there are exceptional circumstances and it has been agreed in advance).

I promise that we do not want to issue fines, but will have no choice where authorised attendance falls below the expected level.

Attendance! Attendance! Attendance!

Well done to the following class who had attendance at over 97% this week:

·         Year 1 with 99%
·         Year 5 with 98%
·         Year 6 with 97%

This means Year 1 will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 6th May.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 2ndMay                                 -           Early May Bank Holiday (school closed)
Monday 9th May                                  -           Start of Y6 SATs week
Thursday 26th May                               -           INSET DAY
Friday 27th May                                    -           INSET DAY
Friday 27th May                                    -           End of Term 5
Monday 6th June                                 -           Start of Term 6
Sunday 26th June                                 -           First Holy Communion
Friday 22nd July                                    -           End of Term 6
Monday 5thSeptember                        -           Start on new school year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...