Friday, 25 October 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,

Filwood Library Drop-in - Saturday 26th October 10am-2pm

This event is a chance to:

  • find out the ideas that have been suggested for Filwood library
  • offer your own suggestions
  • meet the Friends of the library

Also, the local councillor has been successful in getting funding for new play equipment for Filwood Library. We’d like to know what sort of thing you and your family would like to see there eg. educational/role-play toys. If you’ve got any ideas/would like to have your say at a library event, please contact:

Improve your times tables with Timestables Rockstars (TTRS)!

To support your child in improving their timetables we encourage that all children practice over the holiday using Timestables Rockstars -

Who will be the most improved in each Year Group?

Not only will there be an award for the Rock Hero with the most points but also the most improved.
Don't forget that your children can also use the DoodleMaths programme to improve all areas of their Maths learning.

The children have passwords for both programmes.

Bristol Family Cycling Centre Half Term Activities!

This half term our timetable has ‘Learn to Ride’ sessions for new cyclists, ‘Open’ sessions for confident cyclists and if you identify as disabled then our ‘Disability’ sessions might be for you! We are also running Bikeability courses and BMX sessions. The centre is situated in Hengrove (BS14 0XA) next to Action Indoor Sports.

  • T. 01275 832 800
  • E.
  • FB. @familycyclingcentre

Winston’s Wish

Winston’s Wish is collaborating with Grief Encounters Southwest to host an art exhibition with the theme #Lost4Words for Children’s Grief Awareness Week (15th – 22nd November).

Often children and adults are lost for words when it comes to talking about grief.

Children’s School Health and Safety Team

At School of Christ the King, we value all our children’s opinions, and this is why we are setting up a new Health and Safety Team to improve health and safety awareness and help make our school a safer and happier place. We believe that children enjoy being given responsibilities, and we also believe that children need to appreciate the importance of making their own decisions.

The team will meet on a regularly with health and safety expert Ray Connolly, who is also a school governor (Ray is a member of IOSH, the health and safety body in England).

The club will start as an after-school club on a Thursday from 3.15-4pm for Years 5 and 6.  This club will start after the school half term.  If you child is interested please speak to the school office.


Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Year 2 - 98%
  • Year 4 - 99%

This means that Year 4 will have a non uniform day on the 8th November.

First Holy Communion

There will be a very important meeting for the parents who are interested in their child joining the First Holy Communion programme for 2019-2020 in the parish of Christ the King.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd October at 5:30pm in the ‘Romero Room’ which is behind Christ the King church and can be accessed from the lane beside the school or through the church.

The first meeting for the children will be on 4th November  at 3:45pm - 4:45pm in the school, followed by a 10:00am mass on Sunday 10th November in the church.

Inset Days

The following Inset Days have been arranged:-

  • Monday - 6th January 2020
  • Monday - 6th July 2020
  • Monday - 20th July 2020

Consultation on Admission Policy 2021/22

The governing body are consulting on new proposed admission arrangements for the 2021-22 school year. You are invited to provide any comments you may wish for consideration on the proposed arrangements by 9 December 2019. Final arrangements will be determined by 28 February 2020.

Comments should be sent to Miss Roberts at

You can read the proposed admission arrangements on the school website

Primary School Applications for a New Reception Place for September 2020

If your child was born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016 you'll need to  apply for a new reception school place for September 2020. You can apply from Thursday 12 September.  You'll need to apply by Wednesday 15 January 2020.

Online - apply online from 12 September for a reception place for Sept 2020 at

Secondary School Applications:

Year 6 pupils need to apply for Secondary school by the 31st October.

Please see: 
For more information please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan for support with the application process.

Pupil Places Available

The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Reception, Year 3 and 6. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.

Key dates

28th October - 1st November - School Holiday
13th November - Year 3 & 5 visit to the Cinema
13th November - Chaplaincy Commissioning - Clifton Cathedral School
11th - 15th November - Anti-bullying week
12th November - Odd Socks Day
9th December - Flu Jabs
6th January - INSET Day
23rd December - 3rd January - School Holiday
30th January - 1st February  - Year 5 Dean Field Studies Centre
17th February - 21st February - School Holiday
6th April - 17th April - School Holiday
25th May - 29th May - School Holiday
6th July - INSET Day
20th July - 31st August - School Holiday

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Friday, 18 October 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,


Attendance this week -
Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Year 4 - 98%

First Holy Communion

There will be a very important meeting for the parents who are interested in their child joining the First Holy Communion programme for 2019-2020 in the parish of Christ the King.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd October at 5:30pm in the ‘Romero room’ which is behind the Christ the King church and can be accessed from the lane beside the school or through the church.

The first meeting for the children will be on 4th November  at 4:00pm - 5.00pm in the school, followed by a 10:00am mass on Sunday 10th November in the church.

Consultation on Admission Policy 2021/22

The governing body are consulting on new proposed admission arrangements for the 2021-22 school year. You are invited to provide any comments you may wish for consideration on the proposed arrangements by 9 December 2019. Final arrangements will be determined by 28 February 2020.

Comments should be sent to Miss Roberts at

You can read the proposed admission arrangements on the school website

School Clubs

The school clubs will begin after the half term.  Letters have been sent home with your child.
The clubs will finish on Friday 6th December and will start again on Monday 13th January 2020.

Please also remember that we have Chill Time ‘Klub’ running every day from 3:15-4:30pm at a charge of £3.50

Primary School Applications for a New Reception Place for September 2020

If your child was born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016 you'll need to  apply for a new reception school place for September 2020. You can apply from Thursday 12 September.  You'll need to apply by Wednesday 15 January 2020.
Online - apply online from 12 September for a reception place for Sept 2020 at

Young Carers

We are looking into how we can further support any pupils who may be classed as 'Young Carers'. This means children who are regularly involved in caring for others - for example supporting a parent with mobility issues. Please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan via the school office if you think your child may be classed as a young carer.

Secondary School Applications:

Year 6 pupils need to apply for Secondary school by the 31st October.

Please see: 
For more information please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan for support with the application process.

Pupil Places Available
The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Reception, Year 3 and 6. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.

Head teacher awards

The Headteacher awards for Monday 21st October are: Megan (YR), Angelica (Y1), Reggie (Y2), Pamadou (Y3), Emily Z (Y4), Isabel (Y5), Evie-Rose and Angelos (Y6).

Key dates

  • 25th October - School Photographer (new Company)
  • 28th October - 1st November - School Holiday
  • 13th November - Year 3 & 5 visit to the Cinema
  • 11th - 15th November - Anti-bullying week
  • 12th November - Odd Socks Day
  • 9th December - Flu Jabs
  • 23rd December - 3rd January - School Holiday
  • 30th January - 1st February  - Year 5 Dean Field Studies Centre 
  • 17th February - 21st February - School Holiday
  • 6th April - 17th April - School Holiday
  • 25th May - 29th May - School Holiday
  • 20th July - 31st August - School Holiday

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Friday, 11 October 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,

Big Breakfast

Big Breakfast Week is being celebrated across the city from 14th October to 18th October.  On Monday 14th October we will have a chef joining our team to prepare breakfast.  Therefore, on Monday 14th October, breakfast club will open at 7.45am.  Everyone is welcome, please just come along with your £1.00.

Lost Property

There are a lot of items in the lost property box.  This will be displayed in the school hall at Parents’ Evening.

Parents’ Evening 15th & 16th October 2019

Parents’ Evening appointments have been arranged for Tuesday and Wednesday 15th and 16th October.


Excellent attendance this week -

Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:

  • Reception - 97%
  • Year 2 - 98%
  • Year 4 - 97%

School Clubs

The school clubs will begin after the half term.  Detailed below are the clubs that are available for your child to attend, if they wish.

The clubs will finish on Friday 6th December and will start again on Monday 13th January 2020.

Unless stated, all after school clubs run from 3:15-4pm.
Lunchtime clubs run from 12:30-1pm.

Please also remember that we have Chill Time ‘Klub’ running every day from 3:15-4:30pm at a charge of £3.50

Primary School Applications for a New Reception Place for September 2020

If your child was born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016 you'll need to  apply for a new reception school place for September 2020. You can apply from Thursday 12 September.  You'll need to apply by Wednesday 15 January 2020.

Online - apply online from 12 September for a reception place for Sept 2020 at

Ongoing safety update

A reminder that the following information can be found via the school website (
The CTK Safeguarding Team.

  • NSPCC - Speak out. Stay Safe.
  • Childline
  • Domestic abuse advice
  • Internet safety
  • First Response contact details 

Young Carers

We are looking into how we can further support any pupils who may be classed as 'Young Carers'. This means children who are regularly involved in caring for others - for example supporting a parent with mobility issues. Please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan via the school office if you think your child may be classed as a young carer.

Secondary School Applications

Year 6 pupils need to apply for Secondary school by the 31st October.
Please see: 

For more information and please contact Mrs Selway or Mrs Jordan for support with the application process.

Pupil Places Available

The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Reception, Year 1, Year 3 and 6. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.

Head teacher awards

The Headteacher awards for Monday 14th October are: William (YR), Victor (Y1), Freya (Y2), Awele and Cheyenne (Y3), William  (Y4), Jazleen and Ellis (Y5) Mikolaj and Jonathan (Y6).

Key dates

15th October - Year 2 to Westonbirt
15th and 16th October - Parents Evening
25th October - School Photographer (new Company)
28th October - 1st November - School Holiday
13th November - Year 3 & 5 visit to the Cinema
9th December - Flu Jabs
23rd December - 3rd January - School Holiday
30th January - 1st February  - Year 5 Dean Field Studies Centre
17th February - 21st February - School Holiday
6th April - 17th April - School Holiday
25th May - 29th May - School Holiday
20th July - 31st August - School Holiday

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Friday, 4 October 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,
Parents Evening 15th & 16th October 2019
Parents Evening has been arranged for Tuesday and Wednesday 15th and 16th October. To make an appointment please telephone the school office on 01179664844.  This is a very important opportunity for parents and carers to find out how their children are doing in school. Appointments will be allocated if no arrangements are made. 
Excellent attendance this week -
Well done to the following classes who had attendance at over 97% this week:
  • Year 2 - 99%
  • Year 3 - 99%
  • Year 4 - 97%
  • Year 5 - 98%

This means that Year 2 and Year 3 has non-uniform on Friday 11th October 
Change of Season!
Now that we are in October, the weather is gradually getting colder.  Please can we remind you that it is important that children wear a coat to school - please ensure that the coat has your child’s name in it.
At this time of year, children will often have sore throats, coughs etc.  Please remember that school can administer calpol to your child. 
Big Breakfast
Big Breakfast week is being celebrated across the city from 14th October to 18th October.  On Monday 14th October we will have a chef joining our team to prepare breakfast.  Therefore, on Monday 14th October breakfast club will open at 7.45am.  Everyone is welcome, please just come along with your £1.00.
School Clubs
The school clubs will begin after the half term.  Detailed below are the clubs that are available for your child to attend, if they wish.  
Letters will be sent home next week so that children can sign up for the club they wish to attend.
The clubs will finish on Friday 6th December and will start again on Monday 13th January 2020.

Please also remember that we have Chill Time ‘Klub’ running everyday from 3:15-4:30pm at a charge of £3.50
Primary School Applications for a New Reception Place for September 2020
If your child was born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016 you'll need to  apply for a new reception school place for September 2020. You can apply from Thursday 12 September.  You'll need to apply by Wednesday 15 January 2020.
Online - apply online from 12 September for a reception place for Sept 2020 at
Ongoing safety updates

Head teacher awards
The Headteacher awards for Monday 7th October are: Bella (YR), Toby (Y1), Ronnie (Y2), Jaiden (Y3), Chris and Cody W (Y4), Imogen (Y5) and Noella and Ella (Y6).
Secondary School Applications for a New Year 7 place for September 2020
If your child was born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009  you'll need to  apply for a new year 7 places for September 2020. You can apply from Thursday 12 September.  You'll need to apply by Thursday 31 October 2019.
Online - apply online from Thursday 12 September for a new year 7 place for Sept 2020 at 
Pupil Places Available
The school is almost full but we do have some space available in Reception, Year 1, Year 3 and 6. If you know somebody who might need a school place, please ask them to contact the school office.
Key dates
  • 10th October- Year 6 to London 
  • 15th October - Year 2 to Westonbirt
  • 15th and 16th October - Parents Evening
  • 25th October - School Photographer (new Company)
  • 28th October - 1st November - School Holiday
  • 13th November - Year 3 & 5 visit to the Cinema
  • 9th December - Flu Jabs
  • 23rd December - 3rd January - School Holiday
  • 30th January - 1st February  - Year 5 Dean Field Studies Centre 
  • 17th February - 21st February - School Holiday
  • 6th April - 17th April - School Holiday
  • 25th May - 29th May - School Holiday
  • 20th July - 31st August - School Holiday

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...