Dear Parents/Carers of children in Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5,
We are having a great week as we say goodbye to our Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children - sadly for the last time this school year. However we are very much looking forward to seeing Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 return next week.
Here is an update to help prepare children in those classes (where a place has been confirmed)
Pick-up and drop off of children
To ensure parents do not gather outside the school building and can follow social distancing guidelines, each group will have a different start and finish time. Please stick to the time your child is allocated as groups of children are not to come into contact with each other. You may be asked to come back later if you are late and another group is being let in when you arrive:
2 metre markings will be on the fences outside of school for parents and children to wait by.
Children will enter school via the main entrance or the kitchen entrance (see timetable below)
If at all possible, just one parent/carer to drop and collect children.
If possible, do not bring younger siblings in buggies.
Children must not bring bags – just their packed lunch in a plastic box or disposable bag, water bottle, sunhat and sun cream, if necessary.
Please stay outside the school gates and please pass on any concerns or queries via the office email address or phone.
Current guidance is that it is best not to use public transport if at all possible. For those families for which this is unavoidable, we will provide further guidance from Public Health England on how to travel as safely as possible.
To help avoid extra congestion around school we ask that as many families as possible walk, cycle or scoot to school.
Break time and lunch time arrangements
We have organised a strict rota for playtimes and lunch, to ensure groups can access their play zones without contact with other groups. Children should have sun-hats, sun cream or waterproof coats if needed.
There will be no cooked lunches available on site. Packed Lunches will be made in school and will be available for all Year 2 children, unless you decide you want to send your child in with a packed lunch from home. They will also be provided for any children eligible for Free School Meals and Key Worker children attending school who are eligible for Free School Meals. All other children should bring a packed lunch. We will inform the catering team of dietary requirements. They must all bring their own clearly labelled water bottle which needs to go home daily to be washed.
Uniform requirements
Children will not be required to wear full school uniforms when they attend school. We ask instead that children wear clean clothes each new day and recommend that clothes are washed at the end of each day. We will be using the outdoor space as much as possible to do physical learning, so please ensure clothing is sensible, safe and good for active PE lessons.
Important health reminder
Children must not attend school if they have symptoms or are self-isolating due to symptoms in their household. If your child were to become unwell at school they would need to be collected promptly and would remain in an isolation room until collected. The previous self-isolation restrictions will apply: 7 days for anyone with symptoms and 14 days for anyone else in their household. Parents should contact school immediately if their child begins to show any symptoms and we can advise on testing and inform other parents in the group. If a child, or adult, in the cohort tests positive then the whole group would need to follow appropriate self-isolation guidelines. Please ensure your child has any medication in school which they would usually take and that it has a label with their name printed on it.
Timetable for drop off and pick up
This is a reminder of when children should be dropped off to school. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT ALL CHILDREN ARRIVE ON TIME AS WE HAVE PLANNED CAREFULLY TO ENABLE SOCIAL DISTANCING. If you are late for collection or drop-off then you will need to wait until the following drop off or pick up time.
To make the start of the day as safe as possible, when children enter and leave the school. We will be using two entrances:
The main entrance
The black door next to the kitchen (near the school hall)
There will be markings on the railings outside so that children and parents can line up, at a social distance, at the start and end of the school day.
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All classes will finish on Friday at the same time as other days.
Preparing our children
You can see from these pictures that the school now looks a bit different:
Have a great last week of term or summer holiday.
All the best to our amazing Year 6 pupils in their new schools.
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon