Dear Parents/Carers,
New Reception Foyer at the front of the school![entrance.jpg](
We would like to let you know that building work will commence on the new reception foyer from the 24th October. These significant works will create new office space, a new waiting room, a new learning support room, a covered area and overall improve our ability to welcome and work with parents, whilst keeping children safe and secure. This work will however take an approximate 14 weeks and during this time our usual front entrance will be closed. This will obviously cause some disruption to normal school life but will be well worth it in the end.
We will published our temporary access plans in a special newsletter yesterday.
Online payments
We are delighted to announce that we are now in a position to offer the facility for parent to make payments online for school activities such as school dinners, school trips and school book bags and photos etc!
There is an immeasurable amount of valuable time spent on collecting and keeping track of what payments have been received for the numerous events that take place. This, combined with the burden that you may endure in either finding the correct change or writing a cheque to pay for your child’s activities can at times be frustrating.
The new facility will allow for both parties to experience a more streamlined, cost-effective and efficient payment collection system in a secure and safe environment.
If you do not have access to a bank account or on-line facilities, payments can be paid by paypoint – please contact the school office for further details.
From time to time you will receive a text message from the school inviting you to access a website as an option to make a payment for an activity. We would appreciate your support in this matter.
To ensure that we all experience maximum benefit from this service, we would ask all parents to notify us if you have recently changed your mobile number and/or email address.
You will receive a welcome text from school money with details of how to log-on and your unique password.
The on-line payment facilities will go live from Saturday 15th October.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
School Photographer
The photographer will be taking photographs on Friday 4th November. ALL children in school will have an individual photograph taken.
There will also be an opportunity for a family photograph with brothers and sisters who do not attend this school. If you would like one of these photographs taken please arrive at school by 8.30am on 4th November.
Safe Internet Use
Recently we have had to deal with some serious internet related issues in school. It has been incredibly worrying that children have created fake email accounts and pretend to be other classmates. The police have been supporting us in investigating these issues and have asked us to remind all parents of the importance of parents monitoring children’s internet use. We are running additional E-safety sessions in school and shrare updated guidance soon.
St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School
If you wish to apply for a place at St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School on religious grounds, you will also be required to send evidence of your faith commitment to the school by 31st October 2016. If, after reading the Admission Policy, you are not sure of the evidence required please call Mrs Nunnerley at the school on 0117 377 2050.
Headteacher Award - For applying any of the Learning Skills
Each week we will be having a special focus for our Headteacher Awards. This week, our focus is for applying any of the learning skills.
Headteacher Awards for Monday’s Assembly on 31st October are:- Jaiden (YR), Gracie B (Y1), Casey-Leigh (Y2), Jonathan (Y3), Frazer (Y4), Lillie-Grace (Y5), Shane (Y6) and Amber (Y6).
Well done to the following class who had attendance at over 97% this week:
- Year 2 - 97%
- Year 5 - 98%
- Year 6 - 98%
Primary School Admissions
Reception admissions for September 2017 are now open on Children born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 must apply for a school by midnight on 15th January 2017
Year 6 to apply for a Secondary school place
Parents/carers need to apply for a secondary school place for their child in Year 6. The website is now open on Secondary school choices need to made by midnight on 31st October 2016.
Key dates for Diaries
- 24th October - Building work starts on the new Front Foyer
- 31st October - Start of Term 2
- 16th November - Feast of Christ the King Mass
- 7th December - Year 1 and Year 2 trip to Colston Hall
- 16th December - End of Term 2
- Term 3 - 3/1/17 - 10/2/17
- w/c 8th May 2017 - Y6 SATs week
- 6th January 2017 - Y6 to visit Create Centre
- 10th January 2017 - Y3 trip to Bristol Old Vic to see The Snow Queen
- 9th - 12th June - Year 6 camp to Manor Adventure
- Term 4 - 20/2/17 – 7/4/17
- Term 5 - 24/4/17 – 26/5/17
- Term 6 - 5/6/17 – 21/7/17
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon, Headteacher