Saturday, 26 March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Water Bottles 

Please remember to send your child to school with a water bottle each day. Please remember that bottles should only be filled with water, juice and fizzy drinks should not be brought into school. 


Please note that the school will be closed on Monday 23rd May 2020 for staff training 

Lent Fundraising Events 

As you know we have now started our Lent Fundraising Events, which will be running from now until the end of this term. 

We started today with our cake sale, and have already started to raise lots of money. 

Events for the rest of term are as follows:

  • Movie Afternoon - Infants on Thursday 31st March & Juniors on Friday 1st April - We are asking for a £1 donation
  • Easter Egg Raffle - Friday 8th April - Children can start buying tickets NOW at a cost of 20p each and the raffle will be announced on the last day of term. 
  • Break the Rules Day - Friday 8th April - More details to follow

We will be raising money for the following charities, and thank you all for your support in helping these worthy causes: 

 - Refuge - for women and children against domestic violence

- The Ukrainian Refugee crisis



Well done to the following classes who have achieved 97% or more attendance this week:

  • Year 1 with 98% attendance.
  • Year 5 with 98% attendance.
  • Year 5R with 100% attendance.
  • Year 6 with 99% attendance.

This means that Year 5R and Year 6 will have non uniform days. Their teachers will decide on which day and inform you all via text. 

Thank you for your continued support in helping us to improve attendance. 

Breakfast Club 

As you may know we run a daily Breakfast Club for our pupils. Breakfast Club runs daily from 8am and is a great opportunity for children to have a healthy breakfast and socialise with their friends before school. Not only is Breakfast Club great for socialising and promoting healthy eating habits, it can also greatly benefit children’s attendance and behaviour. For pupils from Reception-Year 6, Breakfast Club is just £1 per day, and doors are open for breakfast until 8.20am (children arriving after this time will miss food service). If you would like to book a space at Breakfast Club, you can do this using the School Gateway app. 

If you have a nursery aged child and would like further information about a space at Breakfast Club, please contact the school office. 

Headteachers Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception - 

  • Korey for being a team player and for being such a lovely friend to others by making sure his friends are OK if they are upset.

Year 1 -  

  • Jessica - For  working hard on her pace and presentation when completing her work this week. Her retelling of Jaspers Beanstalk was super!

Year 2 -  

  • Year 2 - For their fantastic behaviour and enthusiasm whilst representing our school at Brunel’s SS Great Britain.  We are so proud of them all.

Year 3 -

  • Rubie- For being absorbed in her work and showing great determination in all her subjects. Keep up the amazing work, Rubie!  

Year 4 - 

  • Joey- for consistently applying himself with a great attitude towards his work. Joey always contributes to class discussions and thinks deeply about the questions he is asked.  

Year 5 -  

  • Mason - For managing his distractions and focusing on his stitching in design and technology..
  • Harmony - For her brilliant determination and initiative when learning how to sew. She successfully sewed her Mother’s Day card without any assistance! 

Year 6 -  

  • Gabriel - for responding superbly to feedback and producing an absolutely fantastic newspaper report!

Dates for Diaries

  • Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4
  • Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5
  • Monday 9th May 2022 - SATs Week
  • Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5
  • Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6
  • Friday 1st July - INSET Day
  • Thursday 21 July 2022 End of the school year

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Friday, 18 March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Vacancy for School Cleaner

We have a vacancy for a school cleaner starting ASAP. If you would be interested in the position please contact the school office for an application form.  Hours for the vacancy are Monday to Friday 3.30pm to 5.30pm with some work required during the school holidays.


Please note that the school will be closed on Monday 23rd May 2020 for staff training 

Lent Fundraising Events 

As you know we have now started our Lent Fundraising Events, which will be running from now until the end of this term. 

We started today with our cake sale, and have already started to raise lots of money. 

Events for the rest of term are as follows:

  • Penny Trail - Friday 25th March - Children can come into school with a selection of coins to help make the penny trail on the school playground. 
  • Movie Afternoon - Infants on Thursday 31st March & Juniors on Friday 1st April - We are asking for a £1 donation
  • Easter Egg Raffle - Friday 8th April - Children can start buying tickets NOW at a cost of 20p each and the raffle will be announced on the last day of term. 
  • Break the Rules Day - Friday 8th April - More details to follow

We will be raising money for the following charities, and thank you all for your support in helping these worthy causes: 

Parents’ Evening

Parents' Evening will be held on Tuesday 22nd  and Wednesday 23rd March, from 3:30-6pm. These will be held in school and at a safe distance. From Monday afternoon, please contact the school office to book your appointment. 


Unfortunately no classes have achieved over 97% attendance this week. 

We’ve seen lots of illness across the school this week, and whilst we want to ensure all our pupils are fit and healthy, please remember that most minor ailments aren’t a reason to miss lessons and can usually be managed in school. 

Thank you for your continued support in helping us to improve attendance. 

Information for Nursery Parents 

As you know, our Nursery Class does not start until 9am. If you are arriving at school early, to bring older siblings to school, we would like to ask that you wait with your nursery children inside the school gates until Nursery is open. This will keep the children away from the busy road and the path clear for other pedestrians. 

Headteachers Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Reception - 

  • Muhammed C for independently writing about his favourite superhero Spiderman using his phonic sounds! 

Year 1 -  

  • Lily M - for independently completing a descriptive piece of writing to describe Jasper from Jaspers Beanstalk. 

Year 2 -  

  • Flynn, Manna and Lily-Rose - For independently writing their own thoughtful prayers.

Year 3 -

  • Amber- For being a supportive friend and a great teamplayer. Your empathy and inclusivity in the playground does not go unnoticed. Well done, Amber! 

Year 4 - 

  • Tracy - for persevering and not giving up when learning a new skill during Maths. Tracy was multiplying using cubes to make arrays to show her calculations. 

Year 5 -  

  • Maisie - For independently using feedback to improve her character description, as well as using features from the model in her own writing to develop her character.
  • Tommy - for his brilliant attitude this week to Maths, he has been really absorbed in his work and independently solved many subtracting fractions questions. Keep it up! 

Year 6 -  

  • Frankie and Lexi - for a huge improvement with their Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test scores. They have persevered and their hard work has paid off - keep up the good work!
  • Justin - for consistently high test scores. You are listening and responding to feedback. This helps you to maintain such a high level - keep it up! 

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 22nd March 2022 - Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 23rd - Parents’ Evening

Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4

Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5

Monday 9th May 2022 - SATs Week

Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5

Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6

Friday 1st July - INSET Day

Thursday 21 July 2022 End of the school year

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Friday, 11 March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Parents’ Evening

Parents' Evening will be held on Tuesday 22nd  and Wednesday 23rd March, from 3:30-6pm. These will be held in school and at a safe distance. From Monday afternoon, please contact the school office to book your appointment. 


Well done to YEAR 4 who have achieved 97% attendance this week - keep up the good work. 

We’ve seen lots of illness across the school this week, and whilst we want to ensure all our pupils are fit and healthy, please remember that most minor ailments aren’t a reason to miss lessons and can usually be managed in school. 

Thank you for your continued support in helping us to improve attendance. 


Please be aware there will be NO MULTI SPORTS CLUB NEXT WEEK (THURSDAY 18TH MARCH) due to staff training. If you have already booked this session, your payment will be refunded to your School Gateway account.


Please be reminded that the school day starts at 8.50am, with the doors opening at 8.40am to enable children to come onto site and get settled. We have recently had a number of children arriving late, and as well as starting the day off in a stressful way for the late child, it can also be disruptive to the rest of the class. Please ensure children arrive at school on time, every day. Frequent lateness may result in a Penalty Notice (fine)  being issued.

Breakfast Club 

As you may know we run a daily Breakfast Club for our pupils. Breakfast Club runs daily from 8am and is a great opportunity for children to have a healthy breakfast and socialise with their friends before school. Not only is Breakfast Club great for socialising and promoting healthy eating habits, it can also greatly benefit children’s attendance and behaviour. For pupils from Reception-Year 6, Breakfast Club is just £1 per day, and doors are open for breakfast until 8.20am (children arriving after this time will miss food service). If you would like to book a space at Breakfast Club, you can do this using the School Gateway app. 

If you have a nursery aged child and would like further information about a space at Breakfast Club, please contact the school office. 

Headteachers Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 

Year 1 -  

  • Zach - for working hard on his reading - well done!
  • Isla - for her fantastic sunflower painting using the pointillism technique. 

Year 2 -  

  • Flynn - Firstly for super improved reading at home and for demonstrating how he has become more mature and sensible when reading with our reading volunteer.

Year 3 -

  • Liliana- For her curiosity and independence when writing her setting description. Liliana was keen to use a dictionary to check her spelling and to learn how to use a thesaurus to expand her vocabulary. Well done, Liliana!
  • Frazer- For being absorbed in his work and giving thoughtful answers in our RE lesson about ‘The call of Samuel.’ 

Year 4- 

  • Macy- for a fantastic retell of the story from Peter’s perspective. You recalled the key points showing your understanding.

Year 5 -  

  • Tiagan and Mia for carefully following the steps independently to add mixed numbers. Superb work!
  • Bernice - for her brilliant engagement in English this week when building our character Tootega and writing exciting speech with the correct punctuation. Well done! 

Year 6 -  

  • Year 6 - for taking risks, having positive attitudes and supporting each other at Y6 Camp!

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 22nd March 2022 - Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 23rd - Parents’ Evening

Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4

Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5

Monday 9th May 2022 - SATs Week

Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5

Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6

Friday 1st July - INSET Day

Thursday 21 July 2022 End of the school year

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Friday, 4 March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Archery Club 

Please be aware that Friday Archery Club has now changed availability from Year 6 to Year 5. If your child is in Year 5 and would like to take part, please book in using the School Gateway App.

Breakfast Club 

As you may know we run a daily Breakfast Club for our pupils. Breakfast Club runs daily from 8am and is a great opportunity for children to have a healthy breakfast and socialise with their friends before school. Not only is Breakfast Club great for socialising and promoting healthy eating habits, it can also greatly benefit children’s attendance and behaviour. For pupils from Reception-Year 6, Breakfast Club is just £1 per day, and doors are open for breakfast until 8.20am (children arriving after this time will miss food service). If you would like to book a space at Breakfast Club, you can do this using the School Gateway app. 

If you have a nursery aged child and would like further information about a space at Breakfast Club, please contact the school office. 


What a great start to Term 4 we have had! 

This week we have had THREE classes achieve over 97% attendance…

Well done to Year 1, Year 4 and Year 5R who have all achieved 98% attendance this week! They almost achieved the 99% or 100% needed for a special non-uniform day. 

Well done to all - keep up the good work! 

Sad News 

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Bernie Noble. 

Bernie was a member of the Christ the King family for many years, and a much loved member of our school community. As well as being  a valued staff member for many years, Bernie was also a beloved family member to both staff and pupils. 

Bernie’s husband, Simon, continues to support the school as a School Governor and we hope you will join us in sending prayers, love and condolences to him and the rest of the family at this time. 

Anti-Social Behaviour 

Unfortunately, this week we have received reports of some antisocial behaviour around the school site, which has been aimed towards members of our school community. Whilst we are pleased to say that this behaviour was not connected to pupils at our school, we of course do not want parents/carers to feel intimidated by others when visiting our school. The incident in question has been reported to the police, and while we hope this was an isolated event, if you witness, or are victims of antisocial behaviour that involves our school, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Congratulations to Year 6 who have once again achieved great attendance - 97.6% overall this week! Well done! 

It’s great to see everyone working so hard to ensure we are improving attendance - thank you for your ongoing support with this. 

Parent’s Coffee Morning - Friday at 9am

All parents are welcome to join us for a cuppa, and not only is it a great opportunity to meet other parents and engage in the school community, it's also a great chance to talk to school staff about any concerns you may have around things that are happening at school or at home.  

During the school week, we understand that it might be difficult to get in touch with your child’s teacher or other members of staff, so Coffee Morning is a perfect way to make contact with someone in school who will be able to support you. 

Faith Newsletters

Here is our monthly faith newsletter that celebrates the Catholic ethos of the school. Click on the link below.

Faith Newsletter

Headteachers Awards

The following children will receive an award in next week’s Celebration Assembly. Videos of Celebration Assemblies are now shared on our Facebook page. 


  • Myla for doing super segmenting and blending all week! Myla has been coming up to grown ups in Reception to share her blending - she has been sounding out many different CVC words and using her phonic fingers to help her - well done Myla for being so enthusiastic about phonics and learning to read & write! 

Year 1 -  

  • Zuzanna - for her brilliant innovation of ‘The Paper Dolls’. 
  • Reggie - Firstly for having a good attitude towards his learning,  trying to work more independently and secondly for sharing his knowledge of how to get help in an emergency during RSHE.

Year 2 -  

  • Frankie - For always demonstrating how kind and considerate she is around school.  For Lent, she has promised to continue to always think of others.
  • Harper G- For always being a supportive, kind friend to others.

Year 3 -

  • Ivan- For his thoughtful and reflective lenten promises which demonstrate his caring attitude towards others. 
  • Ronnie- For his empathetic prayer for Ukraine. Excellent writing, Ronnie!

Year 4- 

  • Logan- You are receiving this award for your hard work during maths this week. You have learnt your 3 times table and are now applying it to answer tricky questions. Keep up the great work!

Year 5 -  

  • Harley - for his resilience and tenacity when responding to feedback when working with fractions.
  • Anta and Declan - for your fantastic essays on the Ancient Egyptians, they are both very informative and full of fantastic facts.

Year 6 -  

  • Deniro - for his excellent use of subject knowledge and formal tone in his Ancient Egyptian essay. Superb! Keep it up!
  • Miley, Gracie, Omar, Archie, Missey, Cody, Emily Z and Rosa - for their superb work effort to improve their arithmetic scores. You are doing so well and are now teaching and supporting others. Keep up the great work!

Dates for Diaries

Friday 8th April 2022 - End of Term 4

Monday 25 April 2022 - Start of Term 5

Monday 9th May 2022 - SATs Week

Friday 27 May 2022 - End of Term 5

Monday 6 June 2022 - Start of Term 6

Friday 1st July - INSET Day

Thursday 21 July 2022 End of the school year

Yours sincerely

Matt Condon


Dear Parents and Carers, Absence Due to safeguarding, we do need to be informed by 9am if your child is not able to attend school. If we are...